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Topics - raymondchart

Quote from: Deadlock39 on 24 September 2017, 11:31:54 PM
Agentplatypus and raymondchart have both been inactive all week.

seed 215 has been dropped from round 2.

I believe that we have played each other but have no messaging way to connect. Please move us forward to round two....
General Discussion / Still Waiting
01 January 2017, 09:37:36 PM
I was promised that I would get an email with how to activate/migrate to the new platform and I am still waiting. My username in both MF and this should be Raymondchart. I have paid for expansions already. It is saying that my username is reserved for someone else when I try to register with it so I have no idea what to do to get in. Please assist ASAP... this is frustrating and an awful start to your launch.