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Topics - Mike Thicke

General Discussion / Reporting Player
09 September 2019, 08:43:51 PM
Attachment speaks for itself.
Other Bugs / IP change mid-game causes bad things
20 June 2019, 04:38:57 AM
I noticed halfway through a game that I was still connected to my University's VPN and I disconnected. This caused my public IP to changed, and when I reconnected I was in the table lobby, with me and my opponent listed correctly on the left, but two UNKNOWN ###### players in the scoring and deck compositions of a match I had been spectating earlier (screenshot attached).
Feature Requests / Popup message for disconnecters
16 October 2018, 01:23:00 AM
Not often, but regularly, people disconnect from games as a form of resigning, and I have to wait 5 minutes to force resign them. I just had an opponent type "have to go" at the beginning of a game and then disconnect. I have no reason to expect that this is done out of spite---almost certainly they just don't understand that closing their browser window doesn't automatically resign them.

So my proposal: when you disconnect and are force resigned, the next time you login there should be a message that pops up and explains that you were force resigned and that disconnecting is not resigning.
Feature Requests / Block/report
22 March 2018, 02:30:18 AM
I'm sure this has been requested before, but I would like to request a block/report option in addition to the current block and friend options. I know that you say that the current block button does this, but it would be much more satisfying if there was an explicit report button. Sometimes I want to block someone because they're annoying, but not doing anything abusive, and then sometimes I want to block someone and be confident that the devs will look at their behavior. Even better: a text box pop up that allows you to describe the abusive behavior when reporting.

Might also cut down on the name-and-shame issue.
Card Bugs / Overlord + Conspirator
12 March 2018, 04:22:09 PM
Conspirator seems to count Overlord as two cards for triggering the draw+action condition.


Play Overlord as Mystic, play conspirator -> draw+action


Play Mystic, play Overload as conspirator -> draw+action
Feature Requests / I don't understand loading old games
30 November 2017, 04:10:40 AM
I don't understand the load old game feature. In theory, this seems like a great feature: I can load an old game to review what I did wrong, try new things out, etc. I expected it to work similarly to loading PGN files in chess or Poker Tracker for poker: I would be loaded into a game where I could step forwards and backwards, and if I wished I could try out new lines. Instead, I have to pick a decision number, and from there all I can do is play it forward against a bot? This seems really tedious to me. If I want to play from a specific point in the game, I need to guess the decision number. If I guess wrong, I can't step forward, but have to exit and guess again. Am I missing something? Are there commands for stepping forward that I don't know about?
Just had  a game where I bought the last province with 1 buy, putting me ahead, and game froze. When I refresh the page, it says, "Waiting for MikeThicke". Fortunately my opponent was kind enough to resign. (Note, this is not the same as the game failing to load the end screen--in that case when I refresh it takes me to the login page.)

Game #: 5035759
Feature Requests / leaderboard suggestions
13 June 2017, 02:52:58 AM

  • The level change indicator (the green or red up/down triangles) is very sparse. Why not have it indicate changes in rank instead (the # column)?
  • The previous client had a scrollable leaderboard. I much prefer that to just seeing the top 20. And yes I know I can see that elsewhere, but why not here?
Feature Requests / recent win/loss history
03 June 2017, 08:02:30 PM
I know retrievable game logs are already a to-do item, but perhaps as a stop-gap you could show our recent game history? That is, just show what games I have played and the result. The immediate impetus for this request is that I've had a couple games today end with a disconnect and I'm not sure how the results were recorded. It would be nice to see what happened.
Feature Requests / View Decklists After Game
06 April 2017, 04:38:20 PM
I really miss the ability to see final decklists when the games ends. This was a nice quick way to evaluate and compare strategies without having to review the entire game.
General Discussion / Competitive play
04 January 2017, 12:41:06 PM
In another thread I read that, though there will be a ladder, it will not be featured. I'm flabbergasted that you would design a platform like this and not put laddering (or at least some competitive system) absolutely front-and-center. A large reason for Heathstone's and other online games' successes is the centrality of ladderring. Laddering is what keeps people coming back to the game, watching streams on Twitch, etc. Why would you not make this more rather than less central than it was in Making Fun's version?
General Discussion / Actions in sidebar
04 January 2017, 12:31:27 PM
I find taking actions in the log/sidebar very awkward, especially if those actions are skippable (eg. reactions). It's amazing to me that in an interface that seems to go through contortions to make the user confirm every choice, it's possible to not even realize you could have reacted to something. In general, it seems very inelegant to make the user click in what appears to be simply a log of the game.