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Topics - tufftaeh

Game Log Issues / German translation problem?
10 December 2017, 10:51:41 PM
Game 9525531
Other Bugs / Game doesn't end
21 May 2017, 10:38:43 PM
Game #3782003 on Frankfurt:
After playing a Villa, a Conspirator and a Shanty town, I bought the last Province and then a Tunnel ... and then drew 5 new cards, and the center box said: 1 action 1 buy 0 coin - You may buy cards.
Interface Issues / Wrong font in lobby
29 March 2017, 11:57:40 PM
After having spectated and coming back to the lobby after the game has ended, there is often the big font from the buttons used for the normal text on the tab pages "Matching", "Tables" and "Friend List", and the font size on the cards in "Familiar Cards" is too large as well. The attached screenshot is from the German version but I seem to remember that this happened in English as well.
Card Bugs / Multiple Watchtower React
03 March 2017, 10:10:00 PM
#1660046 on tokyo (The Do-Operator vs sorawotobu), tunrn 7 sorawotobu:
He plays a Rats, draws a Rats, trashes the gained Rats with Watchtower, draws a Silver, trashes a Curse.
So far so good.
Now he plays another Rats, draws a Rats, trashes the gained Rats with Watchtower, draws another Watchtower, and now he is asked to react again (probably with that new Watchtower). He clicks "Trash" and promptly draws a third Watchtower. He clicks "Trash" again and draws an Estate. Now he can finally trash something (the Estate) with the (second) Rats, and he has 7 cards in hand.
He plays a third Rats, draws a Copper and trashes the gained Rats with Watchtower. Now there are four messages "Watchtower loses track of Rats (it moved).". He draws a Copper and trashes an Estate.
So it looks like somehow either the newly drawn Watchtower has special powers (not losing track), maybe only if the Rats drew a Rats before the gained Rats was trashed.
Or I'm all wrong and this is correct by the rules...
Interface Issues / minus 2 Sages left in the supply
05 February 2017, 12:23:30 AM
Game #969314 on tokyo - see screenshot.
The last Sage was bought with 2 Talismans (Talismen?) in play, I believe.
I was spectating, and one of the players said that it didn't show -2 for him.
Minor detail: the horizontal line should not be there for a player with nothing to report. See attachment.
game #328179 on frankfurt:
I clicked Undo in the middle of a Lord Rat turn (log said he just drew a card with Magpie, didn't show the reveal yet). Instead of going back to my previous turn (optimistic, I know) the game hung with "Waiting for Lord Rattington." Refresh and Login brought me back to after the same (complete) turn of Lord Rat, and I could continue from there, even with /Undo back to where I wanted to go.
Other Bugs / [Matching] page formatting broken
09 January 2017, 12:12:39 AM
When I come back to the [Matching] page from a table I had joined via a [join] button (and then left via [Leave Table]), the whole "Friend/Activity" table has a height of almost one line only. Scrolling with the mouse wheel is possible but not very comfortable. This stays that way until I refresh and login again.
Second interesting detail: Watno is shown as "Spectating[join]", Stef as "At table (spec)[join]". Actually, both are still at the league final table (both spectating).
Other Bugs / At 2 tables at the same time
04 January 2017, 02:27:14 PM
This was funny. markus just was at two tables at the same time. He had joined my "new" table and clicked "Ready". I still had to remove Farmland from the card list, so I wrote this in the chat and proceeded to "Edit Table". In the meantime, a previous "Good Match" request from markus worked, so he was moved to another table. On my table, nothing suggested that he had left except him not being Ready anymore (but I assumed this was because of the new card selection). (I could not even start a game with Lord Rat by clicking "Ready", but that might have been caused by me refreshing in between, so I possibly wasn't host anymore.)
markus, however, could still see my chat messages but I couldn't see his. I then joined his table (#61175 on frankfurt) from the friend list and he showed me my previous chat messages.
Other Bugs / Minor glitch in Friend List
04 January 2017, 01:34:24 PM
If you go from "Familiar Cards" to "Friend List", the columns of names and buttons are not located correctly. At least if you have no followers as I do. :( ;)