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Messages - Bryan

Bryan 3.5-1.5 Lalight
Win for bryan   #7719477 on frankfurt.
Tie             #7720004 on frankfurt.
win for lalight #7720793 on frankfurt.
win for bryan   #7721253 on frankfurt.
win for bryan   #7721847 on oregon.
Bryan won vs Aliquot 4-1

Joining game #7516869 on frankfurt. Win
Joining game #7517440 on oregon. Win
Joining game #7517760 on tokyo.  Win
Joining game #7518249 on oregon. Loss
Joining game #7518639 on oregon. Win
Bryan 4-0 Serikosia

Game #7178907, unrated.
Game #7179131, unrated.
Joining game #7179430 on frankfurt.
Joining game #7179922 on oregon.
Quote* I don't really want a leaderboard to be important. In my opinion, the only good reason to have a ranking at all is to easily get good matches in the automatch. If you feel a need to find out who is best, play some tournaments.
I disagree strongly. People understand that ladder leaderboards are not who is the best player, but who is the best at laddering.

QuoteAlso, people crave leaderboards. It drives people to play, questing up the leaderboard and all that jazz. I think from an incentive to play standpoint a leaderboard is a must.
I think ladders are very important for online games.

Additionally, I've spent a lot of time thinking about rating systems and the assumptions made by elo, trueskill, glicko and how they make assumptions that aren't entirely reasonable for online games. Given that I've created my own rating system derived from Elo but changing core assumptions.

You can see it working on a real population of duelyst players for ladder and tournament on my website at I obviously think my own solution is great so I am plugging it. As far as I can tell, since I made this website for the community, players at the top end of the ladder have enjoyed competition with one another much more.

A. Ladder competition is hugely important to the success of an online game.
B. In my opinion, traditional rating system solutions aren't optimal for these use cases(and that's maybe how anti-ladder opinions were formed?).