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Messages - Kit75

General Discussion / Popup Message Confusion
10 July 2020, 09:43:47 PM

I was playing a game a couple of days ago with 3 friends.  We all clicked ready but the last person to click ready got a pop up messages saying something about some cards or events or something not being available.

We started trying all sorts of configurations, remaking the game, unticking certain event cards etc. but every time it kept coming up with the same confusing message when the last person clicked ready.

We searched the forums for the error message, but couldn't find anything.

Then it finally started, but it was base game cards only appearing.  Again several restarts trying to see what combinations could make it function properly.

After 20 minutes of confusion the answer suddenly came to light - my subscription had expired.

I never received any sort of email notice that the subscription had expired.

1.  Make the message clearer.  None of us guessed the reason behind the confusing pop up error message.  Or lock out those sets you are not allowed to choose.  If I couldn't select them then I would have guessed immediately.
2.  Have a login message to tell you that your subscription expired since last login.  Click on the message will take you to the purchase page.
Feature Requests / New Random Cards
19 June 2020, 11:39:44 AM
If a game is made with mostly random cards, I would like an option to choose a new set.  We play with 100% random cards across all sets, and sometimes we have odd things coming up like half the cards being trash mechanic.  Then it's a bit messy process of resigning where one friend will mess up and leave the table altogether etc.

- Table maker can click to request new set of cards.
- Others get a vote box like that "Kick XXX" box that jumps up when we are taking too long to look at the card selection.
- If majority vote yes, or everyone votes yes (however you want to handle it - I'm playing with friends so we would have verbal agreement already on the issue) then a new game is started with the same options.[/li][/list]

Feature Requests / Re: Friends-only tables?
19 June 2020, 11:31:18 AM
Same issue here - I play with friends on Whatsapp video call, and I keep having strangers join who I need to kick out of the table.