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Messages - idontplaythisgame

Losers' Bracket / Re: Losers' Bracket Round 3 Signups
07 October 2017, 06:14:18 PM
IDontPlayThisGame 4 - 1 mzdo

A mobile client would be lovely. I miss being able to play on my phone with the same level of comfort I experience on a computer.
Game Log Issues / Possession Cleared the Log
01 May 2017, 05:30:07 PM
Game #3243024 on frankfurt

After the loading screen at the end of the Possession turn, the log would clear and the first line would be the list of cards my opponent drew after I Possessed them. Sorry if this isn't clear.

Edit: At the end of the game, the log came back. The first time I saw the bug was at the beginning of my opponent's turn 21, right after I played Possession on my turn 20.
Other Bugs / -Coin token and Paying Off Debt
25 April 2017, 04:27:55 PM
I didn't check the "How to Report a Bug" section until after I'd already closed the game, so I don't have the game/server number but I do have the number of the game (#3084331). On my Turn 17, I had one Debt token and the -Coin token from my opponent's Bridge Troll. The option to Pay Off Debt showed up and I clicked on it to repay the Debt. After that, my game froze but I was able to continue chatting. I noticed the Log said
I played a Copper, returned the -Coin token (which should have brought me to 0 coins), and then paid 1 Debt (with no Coins to do so). After an Undo I was able to continue the game and played all of my treasures before paying off Debt.
The screen is squashed and a mess; it's nearly impossible to select things the few things that are on screen. I think you guys already knew that, but I thought I'd mention it. Screenshot below since I'm not describing it well at all.