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Messages - Dwedit

Card Bugs / Re: doctor and ruins
04 May 2017, 04:10:29 AM
I'm sure you can name specific ruins (Abandoned Mine, Ruined Village/Library/Market, Survivors) and it will pick just that one ruin for Doctor.  Doctor and other Name a Card type cards do badly against piles with distinct names.
Got this prompt when trying to rematch:

Connected to tokyo
waiting for NO_TABLE_NO_NAME...
Somehow, this happened.  The opponent didn't get corrupt text.

game #3173753 on frankfurt

This was showing up with every Swamp Hag message.

Text says
E gets +3 Coins (Swamp Hag퇡ᦺ̫涡෈Ϭ≁朠Ū≁朠Ū⍑朠Ū렙ﳇɏꪑ펷ϒ恁७2ᣠÈ⌑朠Ū∁㣘ȸ퉁ᦺ̫涡෈Ϭ≁朠Ū≁朠Ū⍑朠Ū렙ﳇɏ꫉펷ϒ恁७2ᣠÈ⌑朠Ū∁㣘ȸ튡ᦺ̫涡෈Ϭ≁朠Ū≁朠Ū⍑朠Ū렙ﳇɏꬁ펷ϒ恁७2ᣠÈ⌑朠Ū∁㣘ȸ팁ᦺ̫涡෈Ϭ≁朠Ū≁朠Ū⍑朠Ū렙ﳇɏꬹ펷ϒ恁७2ᣠÈ⌑朠Ū∁㣘ȸ퍡ᦺ̫涡෈Ϭ≁朠Ū≁朠Ū⍑朠Ū렙ﳇɏꭱ펷ϒ恁७2ᣠÈ⌑朠Ū∁㣘ȸ폁ᦺ̫涡෈Ϭ≁朠Ū≁朠Ū⍑朠Ū렙ﳇɏꮩ펷ϒ恁७2ᣠÈ⌑朠Ū∁㣘ȸx캱ᦺ̫☡㣘ȸE�丂İ唁ܪ圅ࠡĮ☊Ċ☆ĆĈ༁㬂ሃĬĈ༁㬂ࠃĠĊ嘃ĔĊ༃㬄ህŀ㬆ࠁĘ明Ȇ♹㣘ȸ ≁朠ŪࠂҀ`∁㣘ȸX풁ᦺ̫⌑朠Ū⌑朠Ū⌉㣘ȸ⌑朠Ū⌑朠Ū⎹㣘ȸ⦑㣘ȸ⍑朠Ū⟙㣘ȸG䇡薁쑏Ɓ薡쑏Ɓ藁쑏Ɓ藩쑏Ɓ旱ီϡ珁ီϡ蘑쑏Ɓ蘱쑏Ɓ虙쑏Ɓ虹쑏Ɓ蚡쑏Ɓ蛁쑏Ɓ蛡쑏Ɓ蜁쑏Ɓ
Feature Requests / Re: Easier Bot difficulties
19 April 2017, 03:07:31 AM
If the bots get personalities, we need Big Money Smithy type bot too.
On the old Goko, there were these bots:
Serf Bot (moronic)
Villager Bot (loves engines)
Warrior Bot (loves attack cards)
Defender Bot (???)
Banker Bot (loves big money strategies)
Lord Bottington (tries for all-around)
Literally everyone keeps making the mistake when playing Crown, they play it during the actions phase when they intended to play it during the treasures phase.

So I suggest an option to End actions and play treasure twice instead.  This would basically un-play the card as an action, End Actions, then play it as a treasure.
In Game #2663711 on frankfurt, my opponent immediately lost his connection, and had the jittering connection issue where it says they reconnect and disconnect repeatedly, and eventually did not reconnect to the game.

But his username changed into UNKNOWN_23382 after I reloaded the game.
The effect of the card was correct, it was just a display problem.  Still annoying to not be able to easily check what it was played as.
If the opponent plays an Overlord as a duration card, it will appear as plain old Overlord on the player's mat, and not the card it was played as.

There's probably the same issue for Band of Misfits too.
Connection Problems / Re: Unable to connect to game
29 March 2017, 12:52:45 AM

0: Opening metaserver connection (
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 331: Metaserver connection established.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 406: Meta: login success.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 417: Loading lobby page.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 485: Lobby has loaded.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 3582: Meta: table joined.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 3679: Meta: table joined.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 3684: Meta: player joined.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 3706: Meta: Automatch found.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 3707: Meta: join gameserver, gameId: 0_2411034.
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 3719: Opening gameserver connection (
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 4484: Identifying with playerId: 1611, gameId: 0_2411034, connection secret: ee686394-0ae3-4e9a-b265-029c531aa97f
dominion-webclient-head-1.1.4.min.js:18 5408: Meta: player left.

10234: Meta: table joined.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 10338: Meta: table joined.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 10341: Meta: player joined.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 10356: Meta: Automatch found.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 10358: Meta: join gameserver, gameId: 0_2411098.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 10361: Opening gameserver connection (
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 10872: Identifying with playerId: 1611, gameId: 0_2411098, connection secret: 7a56e1f6-ac04-4aef-afea-928a28126a2a
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 19748: Meta: player left.

I notice "Meta: player left." at the end of all the failures.  Does that mean the other person gave up?

Starting a bot game works fine though, but that's boring as the bots are completely brain dead.


3836: Meta: Automatch found.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 3837: Meta: join gameserver, gameId: 0_2411252.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 3843: Opening gameserver connection (
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 4404: Identifying with playerId: 1611, gameId: 0_2411252, connection secret: 22508e4c-003b-45e6-b77c-56ec30d1a172
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 4932: Received full game state.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 4955: Game model created, loading images.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 7968: Proceeding before async tasks were finished (waiting limit reached).
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 7969: Loaded 120 images, now showing game page.
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 8421: Game has loaded.

log from a working game
I just had a similar problem, a game crashed while using King's Court + Scheme.  After buying a card, I had no options anymore, chat still worked, and undoing or reconnecting couldn't revive the game.
Other Bugs / Re: Who Am I Playing?
13 March 2017, 09:50:32 PM
Very old well-known bug that they should have fixed long ago.
Just got this in the log:
"Choose a card to trash (a Dame Josephine will be trashed if you trash CARDS0)"
I was choosing between trashing Silver or trashing Dame Molly.
I just discarded an Estate to an empty discard pile, and the animation that played showed an estate falling onto a copper.
Interface Issues / Request to undo 208 steps
15 February 2017, 03:14:42 AM
Didn't get a screenshot in time, but this happened:
My opponent sent an undo request
I accepted it
My opponent cancelled the undo request
A prompt appeared saying "Request to undo 208 steps", then it disappeared after a second.
Connection Problems / Re: Client Is too,old?
12 February 2017, 05:38:18 PM
I see that it's already using different version numbers for the .JS files, which helps against caching old versions.  But the HTML page itself doesn't have any META tags to make the base HTML page noncached or quick to expire.  (edit: whoops, that IS in there, sorry.)