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Messages - JKRich

Card Bugs / Re: Un-holy Monastery
18 December 2017, 08:34:50 PM
Yeah, I guess the faulty log originally confused me and I thought the bug was more than it was :-[ :-[ :( . It's all good now.
Card Bugs / Re: Un-holy Monastery
18 December 2017, 04:07:53 AM
Hmm, very interesting. Like I said, what you saw when reloading the game was not my original play but what happened after I undid several steps then tried to reproduce the problem so I may have made different plays than what I did originally. I see what you're saying and it appears as you said it does. However, today I played another game with Monastery and it again appeared to function incorrectly. Maybe it was just the log. I'll try playing while forcing Monastery into the kingdom and see what happens.
Quote from: Ingix on 17 December 2017, 10:31:17 PM
Thanks for the report. At the moment I can reproduce this problem for Kingdoms with Aqueduct, which I assume is one (the only?) cause of the missing log/no undo problem.
Nice sleuthing tying this to Aqueduct. Will let you know if I see it anywhere else.
Card Bugs / Un-holy Monastery
16 December 2017, 09:28:39 PM
The Monastery's been infested! Game #9699158 Turn 14 I used Monastery to trash 2 Estates and a Potion - the log showed me trashing 2 Estates and 2 Potions (I only owned 1). Turn 16 2 Estates showed up in my hand when I now only owned 3-2=1; I trashed them with Monastery and the log showed me trashing 4 Estates - I'm not sure if the log will show this part if you look at the game since I tried undoing and verifying before I resigned, but it happened. It's hard to keep a vow of silence when I got these bugs all up in my frock, ya know.
#35 was said to have fixed the bug where occasionally part of the game log disappears and the Undo button stops working. Unfortunately it's happened to me twice since then, the last time in Game #9680445. HTH
Other Bugs / Re: Autoplay bug: Tournament
20 November 2017, 12:27:06 AM
Thanks for looking into it Ingix. Just trying to help. :D ;D
Other Bugs / Re: Autoplay bug: Tournament
18 November 2017, 05:54:41 PM
Quote from: markus on 18 November 2017, 08:47:42 AM
Autoplay for Tournament doesn't reveal Province when you play a Tournament.
OK, it's only for when you want to automatically block when your opponent plays one, I get it, thanks. That was last night so I've forgotten some details but I think I was asked if I wanted to reveal then, too. Either way, that still doesn't change the fact that I should've been able to toggle the radio button options for T autoplay (plus the game shouldn't have hung).
Other Bugs / Autoplay bug: Tournament
18 November 2017, 03:44:13 AM
game #8804613 on tokyo - Turn 14 I played Tournament and was asked to reveal a Province which surprised me - I right-clicked on T and saw the "Always reveal Province" button was selected as I expected. I tried clicking "Off" and nothing happened, and repeated trying later with no success. Then Turn 17 Lord Rat played a T and the game hung. I had put both Seaway and Ferry on T if that matters.
Interface Issues / Re: The Scales of Justice
01 November 2017, 09:38:24 PM
Thanks, Ingix. I realized my previous post became obsolete shortly after it was posted - I didn't know such a big change was coming. I posted more "size matters" feedback in Stef's thread where he requested it.
General Discussion / Re: Pile sizes & positioning
01 November 2017, 09:33:41 PM
Stef, I played around with looking at a number of kingdoms, varying the # of events/landmarks, so here's some feedback like you asked for:

1. I tried editing my table to use 0 events/landmarks several times, but each time 1 would show up so I can't comment on what a 10 item kingdom looks like. Is this a bug?

2. I'm quite happy with how things look in a "6-column" kingdom, i.e. using no more than 2 extra "full-size" items (events/landmarks/ruins/bane).

3. I found a situation that you might want to tweak involving "8-column" kingdoms, such as using 4 events/landmarks plus an extra kingdom supply pile (bane/ruins). Note how different the same game looks when using Firefox in normal vs. full screen mode (typical W10 PC, 16x9 monitor):

(I'm new to posting screenshots so I hope this worked but in any case you could easily reproduce this. The example I tried to post was game#8302594. #8285582 is similar.) In any case, in full screen mode, which I use exclusively to maximize screen size and I would guess many if not most players do likewise, the kingdom piles are tiny, with the events/landmarks/banner piles in a 3rd row - even while there is a ton of empty space to the left and right of the first 2 rows which could easily fit the events/landmarks. In normal mode the whole kingdom fits in 2 rows (but then having the full screen height is lost). I'm guessing it's possible that using the full size event/landmark images makes it just barely too wide in full screen mode so a parameter might have to be just slightly adjusted so the kingdom appearance doesn't change so much when going to it.

The more common issue meriting discussion is what to do with a 7 column kingdom, say 10 piles + 4 events/landmarks. For me, the kingdom card images are a little uncomfortably small. The common question would be "So would you prefer the events/landmarks in a 3rd row?" I have another idea: have you ever thought of putting the smaller event/landmark images, shrunk to match a kingdom pile width, in the top 2 rows? We don't really need to see the e/l label text be so giant compared to other piles. Shrunken down they won't be the same height as basic kingdom card piles, but just center them vertically and they may look fine while offering the best of both worlds: large enough kingdom piles while leaving a large enough play area. I'm guessing you considered this, but just in case I thought I'd share what came to me.
General Discussion / Re: Pile sizes & positioning
01 November 2017, 08:33:21 PM
Quote from: Ingix on 01 November 2017, 07:27:54 PM
What tufftaeh said is that you can click on the area I marked with red spray paint in the first picture, and this will move the window to the bottom area (second picture), giving you access to the Kingdom piles for Lurker.
I appreciate knowing that (actually I figured it out on my own recently - shortly before I saw it posted here in the forum somewhere). The area to click to move the window is quite narrow, however, and I think it could help to have more open space on each side of the window to click in or have a up/down button attached to the window like I believe MF had.
Interface Issues / Re: The Scales of Justice
31 October 2017, 04:01:53 PM
Thanks for your reply, Ingix. I understand needing a 3rd row due to 4 event/landmark use will make things smaller, but FYI I thought I'd point out that even when using a 3rd row there's a big difference between these 2 scenarios: when over 10 kingdom piles are needed (due to ruins, spoils, travelers, etc.), the card pile images are smaller, but the images of cards in play and order windows are not as small compared when no extra piles are needed, where the card pile images are significantly larger but the images of cards in play and order windows are for me uncomfortably tiny. I'd rather the card pile images be smaller all the time than the images of cards in play and order windows be unreadable. Note the image in my previous post of the order window inside of Trade came out magnified compared to what it was in the actual game (but not bad for my 1st screenshot attempt!). I should also note my setup is typical PC W10/Firefox/16X9 - same issue whether I go full screen(my typical use) or not.
Interface Issues / The Scales of Justice
29 October 2017, 10:29:21 PM
Love how some scaling issues have been improved, such as larger card selection windows. One problem I haven't seen mentioned however is sometimes the card ordering windows are incredibly tiny. This seems to happen when there are only 10 kingdom piles. For example in game #8217785 on frankfurt Turn 11 the window to order 2 actions via Wandering Minstrel is only a small fraction of the size of a single event card-ish. I'm guessing you know about this, but I hadn't seen it mentioned so I thought I'd chime in.

Quote from: irata on 24 October 2017, 03:06:01 PM
Some people on here do actually play fast and they prefer to play other people that play fast...This is casual play, so I see nothing wrong with asking someone to play faster...My 2 cents.

Couldn't disagree more. Asking someone to play faster is in effect complaining about how they are playing. People don't play Dominion to be complained about (except for trolls). A superior response would be to ask "Is this your normal pace of play?" Then if they reply "Yes, why?" you could respond "No problem, I just prefer to play at a faster pace.", then blacklist them after the game. This way you'd be simply stating a personal preference instead of complaining. Asking someone to play faster (or slower, just the same) is bad sportsmanship, period.
AI bugs / Re: Does AI use events?
13 October 2017, 12:04:40 AM
Quote from: Ingix on 07 September 2017, 03:34:04 PM
It does use Delve, but I don't know if it uses it just as a cheap way to buy *one* Silver or if it actually takes advantage of the additional buy (like 'buying'  2 Silver for 4).
The AI will in fact buy 2 delves to gain 2 Silver for 4, but overall I think the only events it uses are Delve, Borrow and Trade.