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Messages - JKRich

Quote from: AdamH on 24 April 2017, 01:22:54 AM
Unless I'm misunderstanding, I thought that the people who wanted the game to be playable without the log were saying they don't want to have to go click on things in the game log in order to perform legal actions in the game -- that there should be buttons for that or whatever.

Very interesting point - I'd never considered that "playable without the log" could actually mean not just 2 but 3 different things:
1. Playing a game where the log is not visible by default, but there is a "Show Log" button so that one can view the log if/when they need/want to.
2. Playing a game where the log is constantly visible as it is now but where there is never a need to go click on things in the game log in order to perform legal actions in the game.
3. Playing a game where you couldn't access the current game's log during the game even if you wanted to.

To me "playable without the log" means option #1. This option was a choice on the most recent previous implementation(MF) which is why I didn't expect AdamH to assume it was #2, or for it to appear that possibly jsh thought I meant it was #3 (a possible source of confusion related to the IRL stuff).

Quote from: AdamH on 24 April 2017, 01:22:54 AMIf someone is suggesting something different then I feel like they need to be pretty specific about what they want, since there would be ambiguity with whatever they want and this.
Again, since option #1 was recently the available optional choice, personally my bias would be to assume people meant that when saying "playable without the log" although I will concede the point if you feel differently. However, some have specifically said "playable without having to click on the log" or something to that effect, which clearly refers to option #2.

Finally, apologies jsh if I said anything to offend. I just want back an option we recently had (on MF) that I liked and didn't seem to pose any problems and couldn't understand why it appeared someone thought we shouldn't have that. Sorry.
To clarify my wonder was about
Quote from: jsh on 23 April 2017, 08:18:50 PM
the log is necessary (in contrast to people who say the game should be playable without the log)
which says you don't think the game should be playable without the log. Maybe that was not your intent but that's how it reads. I realize the differences between IRL and OL. I (and many others) would love to be able to play the game without having to glance at a long list of words over and over and over all the time (not to mention how much screen space it takes up). That's the main point here and is why your post elicited a response. I also would love the game to be able to mimic the IRL game as much as possible to improve my IRL game, while allowing the ability to consult the log when necessary, which I understand may occur for various reasons as you have stated. That's all. No worries.
Quote from: AdamH on 23 April 2017, 10:48:42 PM
It's useful to know how many coin tokens were spent.
Of course. Clearly the log should say, for example:

J plays 2 Silvers, 2 Coppers and 2 Coin Tokens
J buys a Province

to avoid any confusion about how the Province was bought. Now where this fits in the priority list among the plethora of things that need to be fixed/improved in the client is a much more complex question. However,
Quote from: jsh on 23 April 2017, 08:18:50 PM
Stuff like this is why the log is necessary (in contrast to people who say the game should be playable without the log) Yeah, if they were watching the UI the whole time, they would have seen the tokens getting spent, but if they tabbed out or sneezed...
is just mystifying. No one's saying you should be forced to play without the log, but if you choose to, even in the cases you cited (tabbing out, sneezing, ...) if you've played Dominion for any length of time (and I'm still a relative newbie) you should realize that if coin tokens are in the game they are a potential source of coinage which are listed by each player's name. And technically, playing with a log is cheating. IRL I can't ask my friend "What card was it that you bought 2 turns ago?" without receiving a tirade. I can't see "What Turn # is this?", etc. Suggesting the game shouldn't be playable without the log, well I just don't get it, sorry.

Now my real idea for a feature request would be to have an audio log, the game announcing things like an opponent IRL would, such as "J is playing 2 Silvers and buying a Noble Brigand." That would be cool.
General Discussion / Re: Impressive achievement
22 April 2017, 05:07:53 AM
Connection Problems / Re: Hanging with Lord Rat
19 April 2017, 07:15:54 AM
Still happening occasionally, most recently when loading game #2919765. Browser console:

SHIELD active  selfrepair.8d056d434484b1d6ae51.js:9:8032
A promise chain failed to handle a rejection. Did you forget to '.catch', or did you forget to 'return'?

Date: Tue Apr 18 2017 22:37:35 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time)
Full Message: Error: page-thumbnail:error
Full Stack: observe@resource://gre/modules/BackgroundPageThumbs.jsm:116:22
TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined  dominion-webclient-body-1.2.3.min.js:50:5017

While I had hoped you'd been able to fix the issue upon your last reply and so I didn't bother to clarify further, as pertains to:

Quote from: Stef on 14 April 2017, 06:14:55 PM
One thing we can easily "fix" is to let the gameserver inform you the game is over. Then at least you can get a screen like "Game finished, loading end-of-game screen" and you'd know something is wrong with that instead of the game.
being informed the previous game was over was never the issue. The end-of-game screen always loaded normally, which is the only way I could click "Ready" and proceed to the next game. Also of note: this was never an issue for months (never, not even a single time), until sometime around April 1 give or take a week or so, so it seems logical to conclude that there has to have been an error/coding issue/browser interaction change introduced somewhere. The one constant I've noticed in all the browser console outputs I've looked at is the statement "TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined..." appears every time, so that seems to be a logical place to start. (I'm thinking maybe the stored question(?) "It's your buy phase, you may..." didn't load so the program couldn't proceed past "Waiting for Lord Rattington" -- but that's just a completely wild guess.) Thanks and good luck.
Connection Problems / Re: Hanging with Lord Rat
14 April 2017, 06:28:13 PM
Thanks. I'm not sure if this means anything, but it seems the problem occurs more often when I click "Ready" for a new game immediately when the game summary page appears as opposed to waiting.
Connection Problems / Re: Hanging with Lord Rat
14 April 2017, 04:43:04 PM
Just happened again, game #2801959, browser console:

TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined  dominion-webclient-body-1.2.3.min.js:50:5017
Connection Problems / Hanging with Lord Rat
14 April 2017, 01:41:00 AM
Over the past week or two I've had several games that hung at the beginning of the game, usually on "Hanging with Lord Rattington" but not always. This most recently occurred with game# 2788251 on tokyo. The browser console data:

TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined  dominion-webclient-body-1.2.3.min.js:50:5017
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).  (unknown)

Using win10 desktop/Firefox 52.0.2. When I close the tab and reconnect the game loads and works fine.
1. A more developed GUI that makes the game playable without the log - this includes variable speed animations so those with different speed preferences can follow the opponents' turns and make the online game truly able to simulate IRL play.

2. Alert tone when one needs to act.

3. 3-4p automatching.
Any chance the Treasure Hunter confusing left and right bug or changing "a Practice Game" to "an Unrated Game" will be fixed/changed?