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Messages - Puk

 #8416663 on frankfurt, the tower points from my oponnent from the encampment/plunder pile were not visible on the end screen. (but they were counted in the total points)
also, for my score it said "6 encampments" instead of 4 plunders and 2 encampments
Bug Reports / Counter
06 October 2017, 05:53:52 AM
#7492465 on oregon
My opponnent had put 4 Distants lands on their tavern mat, but the counter only showed "3". (in the end screen it showed that all distant lands were on the mat)
Is there any chance this wil change? I understand there are automatically set 10 cards familiar if you didn't set any cards familiar, but when i want to practice some specific expansions thus setting only those as familiar, i don't want those base cards popping up.
Same automation is often annoying with swindler. You play swindler as your last action, there's only one card in play with the same cost, the card is automatically given, you don't see that, you enter your buy phase but you don't know, you see "i can buy copper and curse", you think "swindler trashed a copper". you buy a curse.
#6529544 on tokyo
i was clearly losing, and tabbing out as my opponent was buying the last provinces. i returned a couple minutes later, and see that he resigned and he had said in chat "game doesn't end".  when i hit "continue against bots", i returned to an earlier turn. (where i just played black market i think)
probably because the reaction of trashing the hovel, was triggered by the hovel, you could trash the hovel because you bought a vicory card (farmland), and after that you probably could trash an other card because of the farmland.