Kicked to login screen

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I keep getting kicked to the login screen, every 9-10 minutes while playing.

I can click the kick button and get right back to it, but it's frustrating.

I'm using Firefox on Windows 10.


I've also had this - I got logged off while I was away from my desk, so I don't know how long I was inactive, but when I tried to log in again it said "Already logged in" and wouldn't let me back into the site.

EDIT:  Ahh, I see - after entering my login name and password, but BEFORE hitting "login," look at the bottom where it says "Forgot password?" and there are the "kick" and "kick and resign" options.  Kicking myself off let me log back in again.

Reading the full list of connection problem questions answered this issue, until it's fixed anyway.


I also keep getting kicked to the login screen.  After playing for most of the game, I get kicked.  I am not logged on and when re-enter, back to the Matching screen.

It looks bad when someone leaves a game without letting the other player know and the game is forcing me to look bad.