Opponent leaves table, and I have to wait for timeout twice

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My opponent needed to react on my turn. After a while (the timeout I assume), I got a message that he left the table. I then had to finish my turn. Then it was his turn, and I had to wait for the timeout again, before I got the prompt to make him resign. I assume this is not the intended procedure when someone leaves?


The timeout is a little long now, to be honest.
I just had a "4 Turn" game, where my swindler hit a little too well, making my opponent leave. He even announced it on the chat:

"Joining game #277217 on tokyo.
MarcinWisniowski:  and
MarcinWisniowski:  im out
Lotoreo:  sorry
MarcinWisniowski:  if my swindler sucks
MarcinWisniowski:  dominion is a stupid game
MarcinWisniowski:  with all those random effect cards
Lotoreo:  too much luck on my side
MarcinWisniowski left the table. "

Since he did not resign before leaving, I now have to wait for the timeout, before I can play another game. And it is simply taking too long.

"MarcinWisniowski joined the table.
Lotoreo:  lol
Lotoreo:  really?
MarcinWisniowski left the table. "

He came back, did one turn and left again. Lets see how often he will do that...

"MarcinWisniowski joined the table.
Lotoreo:  come on
MarcinWisniowski:  hey
Lotoreo:  pls resign
MarcinWisniowski left the table. "


Ha, he missed the 5 min deadline this time, I am freeeee :)

And yed was nice enough to keep me company :)


But my point was something different. When my opponent left during MY turn, when he was supposed to react, I had to wait for the timeout TWICE. Is this intended??


Quote from: jeebus on 31 January 2017, 05:56:44 AM
But my point was something different. When my opponent left during MY turn, when he was supposed to react, I had to wait for the timeout TWICE. Is this intended??

no, and... I don't think it's true either?
If he is supposed to react, and he simply does nothing, you can time him out on that non-decision.

Is it possible he just waited a long time before deciding not to react (but did so before timing out)?


Right, having re-examined the events, I think you're right. When I made this thread, I had just started playing and I assumed the "left table" message was a timeout. But probably he just waited until almost timeout to leave.