Sauna interface issues

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I play a Sauna, then later on I play a Silver. I get the option to trash a card from my hand, or I can click a button that says "don't trash."

I think the default interface should be to not trash anything and then the button should be pressed when I do want to trash. The more common use case is probably this way overall and it's more intuitive. It's the same idea as Hamlet -- if I just click on my Silvers I want to play them, not play one, trash the second, then play the third. Or I could do even more damage to my deck (and not realize it!) if I have multiple Saunas in play.

The other thing that's weird is that the Play All Treasures button "works" for Sauna. If I click this button, it should not play any of my Silvers because they have a special ability when I have a Sauna in play (or perhaps it should auto-decline any trashing? I'm not sure what is best here TBH). As it stands, the Play All Treasures button will play treasures in a seemingly random order (I assume it's the order you draw them in but I can't be sure) so what usually happens is some of my treasures get played and then when it decides to play a Silver, it pauses to ask me if I want to trash something. The fact that it does this is pretty confusing to the user who doesn't understand why this weird thing is happening when they just wanted to play all of their treasures.

Play All Treasures should probably play groups of the same treasure together -- it's the more intuitive interface and will make more sense when the cards are stacked in the play area. They are grouped this way in the log so it would also be consistent there.


I agree.

I've had a hard time figuring out how it's deciding to autoplay treasures.  I had originally thought it was using some logic based on other Treasure/Silver, like witholding the maximal amount that you can Trash, playing the rest, then playing Silver.  I'm not certain about it, though.


Wouldn't the most logical way be to have pressing Autoplay Treasures after playing a Sauna result in a Silver being played first, with 2 buttons Trash and Don't Trash and a message in the info box under the actions/buys/coins saying "You may trash card after playing Silver with Sauna", then if Trash is selected have the red borders around the cards and the message change to "Select a card to trash", which could then repeat if another Silver is there to be played or else play the remaining treasures in the usual fashion? The question of whether Trash or Don't Trash should be the default selection is more interesting as Trash is more likely to be selected earlier in the game than later.


I'd think "Play All Treasures" should play the silvers first when you have Saunas out because that gives you the most options. You can simply choose to not trash, but if it autoplays the silvers last, you've already missed that decision.

On the other hand, Adam has a good point about the interface being annoying when you don't want to trash anything. I like the idea of switching the default to "play, not trash" when clicking on another treasure.