Travelling Fair & Watchtower

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Joining game #1964942 on frankfurt.

In that game I bought Travelling Fair nine times while also having one Watchtower in hand. Using one's top-deck ability would make the other one lose track of the top-decked card.
The log listed this multiple times, which seems rather weird.

Case #1: Top-deck with Travelling Fair:
P buys and gains an Artificer.
P reacts with a Travelling Fair.
P topdecks an Artificer.
Watchtower loses track of Artificer (it moved).
Watchtower loses track of Artificer (it moved).

Case #2: Top-deck with Watchtower:
P buys and gains a King's Court.
P reacts with a Watchtower.
P topdecks a King's Court.
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).
Travelling Fair loses track of King's Court (it moved).

I understand why #2 happens, but I don't understand why there are two messages in #1. Apart from that, one message should be enough in both cases.