BOT makes some really bad plays...

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CARDS_ Bot sure does make some wierd (pretty bad) plays

Bot plays Swindler - trashes peddler and gives .. A province !!! =)
Bank - plays bank first rendering it a (1 coin value)copper instead of last wich would mean a 4 coin value...
Envoy - picks the "best" card, even if its an action when you´ve got 0 actions. So youve got 0 actions it gives you Gold and trashes Library. Not the best selection.
Tournament - Bot never reveals province. Even if it has it in hand. 
Chapel - On a 5 2 starting it prefers to buy Chapel with 5 and no card with 2, even though "Witch" is on the board.
Remake - Bot plays remake and trashes; copper + curse, then plays bank for one. Trashing bank(7) + curse would have got Bot a province(8) and ended the game - winning!
Oracle - Bot reveals two green cards on my side, and discards them!! It should better leave them for me to draw.
Contraband - always blocks gold, could be different settings for different stages of the game - block gold turns 5-10, then after turn 10, block province or any victory card that I can afford.
Embargo - always puts a curse token on the curse pile, a random selection would be more fun.
Expand - gets the expand from me in a chapel/masquerade game, has two of them but doesn´t expand for province, rather plays a masquerade and passes me a tournament?!?
Chapel -  sometimes Bot gets stuck with no buy turns in repetition, one silver in hand. Give it a soft trashing option? Allow it to buy copper.
Also if it gets stuck it usu repeats the same play turn after turn, there could be a warning after two repetitions so the third one has to be differently played...
Stonemason - trashes silver and buys two curses??!


Yes, there is a whole forum about it here. The bots were basically added with minimal implementation just so there would be something there for solo games until Stef has more time to devote to improving them.


Some more, just for fun:

- Never reveals reactions.
- Torturer: Always discards when a Torturer is played, even if it would be better to take a curse.
- Never topdecks with Royal Seal.
- Never reveals Gold with Legionary.
- Spams Legionary.
- Always discards with Ironmonger.
- Ignores Embargo tokens. (A bot once bought a Province and got 7(!) curses.)
- Just as with Bank, doesn't play Fortune last.
- Never trashes with Counterfeit, yet spams the card for some reason.
- Ignores Events and Landmarks (except Delve).
- Never goes for Page or Peasant.
- Never gets Temple, even if there are tons of VP tokens on the pile.
- Never buys a curse for Defiled Shrine.

Also, I've noticed that the bot buys Duchies with 5 or 6 coins when there are 4 or less provinces left (in 2 player). Not always the best idea.



Generally the Bot game is a good experience. You get to acquaint yourself w the cards.  The card ranking it abides by is instructive and pretty nice.

Even a bad play is or can be instructive. The learning it offers by its choices of cards are a-ok.