Boon and Hex art is wonky

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There are still issues with Boon and Hex art.  This is especially clear now with the release of the rules, with print-official images.  Several art assets for Boons and Hexes do not match what appears in the rulebook.  Mountain's Gift is stretched and missing the right half of the image - same issue for Wind's Gift.  Fear is vertically compressed.

Some of these have been fixed already - Sun's Gift, Moon's Gift, and Sky's Gift all seem to match their print counterparts now, where before there were issues.


For Fear it looks like there is a bit more of the picture in the lower border in the online game than in the rulebook, which makes the face look unrealistic.

Mountain's Gift seems to be missing the left part of the image, not the right one, IMO.

I haven't seen any physical cards, though.