Advance + Villa + Border village

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When Villa and Border village (cards) are in game together with Advance (event), and I have a villa in hand, shouldn't I be able to:

1. Buy advance (0 coins): trash a an action, gain an action up to 6 coins
2. Trash villa in hand, gain Border village (6 coins): gain an extra cheaper action
3. Gain "bonus" villa (4 coins): goes to hand and return to action phase
4. End actions, go to buy phase
5. Back to 1.

until Villas or Border villages are exhausted? The Advance text doesn't say "once per turn".

I just tried this today, and in the second buy phase I could not buy Advance, or maybe I missed something...

Mic Qsenoch

You need 10 buys to buy Advance 10 times.


Doh! Of course. So I need a few villas in hand :D