Autoplay Silvers first when Sauna is in play

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I know, I know, I shouldn't use Autoplay Treasures when I need to play them in a particular order, and when there are kingdom treasures I usually remember, but somehow with Sauna because the treasures are just the basic ones I forget that I need to play the Silvers first and trash the Coppers. So please could the Autoplay Treasures button play the Silvers first when you have a Sauna in play?

Also, while I'm on the subject, please could the button not play Coppers when Grand Market is available? Again I know I should remember (and usually do), but it seems strange that it holds back treasures like Loan and Quarry that you'll be happy to play at least 99% of the time you have them but still plays Copper when Grand Market is out.



You are right, the Sauna/Silver interaction has caught me also a few times. But the problem is that at the moment which treasures are auto-played is a simple, fixed, list (AFAIK). Making it situation-dependend would probably involve a lot of changes. The big problem IMO is not adding another situation (like Grand Market), the big problem is creating the infrastructure to even allow the analyzation of a situation.

For Changeling the situation was deemed necessary to have an Auto-Play, so the infrastructure was created, and lots of  other cards benefitted from that as well.

I think the Sauna/Silver interaction is also the reason why Goat isn't on the treasure auto-play list. It messes up the calculation what a player can potentially auto-buy.


Ugh, auto-buy. Now there's a feature that shouldn't exist, and certainly shouldn't get in the way of other, more important features.


Serves to show again that sometimes people want *completely* different things from the game (bot vs. humans, taking time vs. slow, etc.).

In 99% of time, autobuy is exactly what I want in a '1-buy this turn' situation.


Quote from: Ingix on 27 July 2018, 02:01:41 PM
You are right, the Sauna/Silver interaction has caught me also a few times. But the problem is that at the moment which treasures are auto-played is a simple, fixed, list (AFAIK). Making it situation-dependend would probably involve a lot of changes.

The Sauna / Silver thing wouldn't actually require the autoplay list to vary dependent on situation. It just requires the treasures to be played in a particular order. Since I can't think of a situation where it's critical NOT to play Silvers before other basic treasures, it could simply play Silver first regardless of whether Sauna is out. Similarly Bank could always be played last, although I guess this could still cause problems where there are non-autoplay treasures in hand as well.

The Copper / Grand Market problem is harder, I agree.


Goko/MF figured out Copper/GM autoplay, so it does seem feasible:
When GM is on the board, it should play non-coppers first and then only play coppers if you can't afford GM yet.

That only fails when you have a non basic treasure in hand as well with which you could afford GM without Coppers.


Quote from: markus on 30 July 2018, 03:20:56 PM
Goko/MF figured out Copper/GM autoplay, so it does seem feasible:
When GM is on the board, it should play non-coppers first and then only play coppers if you can't afford GM yet.

That only fails when you have a non basic treasure in hand as well with which you could afford GM without Coppers.

The downside of that is when you have $16.
Press "play all", but it doesn't play the copper.
You buy Prov, then realise you didn't play the coppers so can't afford the 2nd Prov.

My prefered option would be:
When GM or Sauna on the board, all treasure has to be played one at a time.