Way of the Worm not triggering Aqueduct

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Observed in: Joining game #96887464 on frankfurt.

Game is setup with Aqueduct and Way of the Worm. Since WotW exiles an estate, each use will gain a victory card, but when using WotW the victory points stay on Aqueduct.


The behaviour you encountered is correct. Exiling a card from the supply is explicitely not "gaining" that card (although it now is yours). It's one of a few ways to "become the owner of a card, without gaining it". The other most prominent example would be cards being passed by Masquerade.

From the Menagerie rulebook (https://www.riograndegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Dominion-Menagerie-Rules.pdf page 3):

* Exiling card from the Supply is not "gaining" the card, and will not cause "when you gain this" abilities to happen. Discarding a card from your Exile mat is not gaining it either.