Personal Banned/Disliked Lists - Friendly Discussion

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I would like to start a Friendly discussion to see what cards people have most added to their Banned/Dislike List.  I would like to keep this friendly though as everyone will surely have their favorite cards appear on others most hated lists.  Im interested in the reasons why in some cases, so I can ponder those thoughts to see if I agree (which for me does not always happen right away).

(By the way I want to thank the developers as I think this is a good way to do this feature - IMHO)

My lists to follow....


Banned List
Haunted Woods

Disliked List
Black Market

My Reasoning:
Lurker and Ambassador are game warping cards very rarely in a good way, if one player takes one, the other players need to follow suit - in most matches.

Catapult and Sauna are more often than their fair share tilt cards.  Catapult degrades quickly and isnt much fun to fight against.  There are matches where the lone Sauna player will be too slow or can be caught with a depleted deck  an exploited but in most matches this is the dominant strategy.

Haunted Woods - I like this card, but the Haunted Woods lock isnt worth playing with this card all that often.

Donate - I have abused this card way too often.  Donate/Robin Hood amoung the worse.  (Possibly should just be dislike - but for now a rest is warranted)

Chapel, Remake, and Rebuild  - In most games these cards are super under costed. 

Black Market - I think this is a weak card, but in paper I ban it as it is too slow.  Online it can be fun, but seems a feel bad for my opponents when they desperately cling to a multi-action or multi-buy game instead of occasionally enjoying the single action/buy game.

Governor - A somewhat interesting card, but it is a promo on the super strong side.  Im kind of tired of the choice to quick race or Gold/Rebuild-to-6xProvinces.