Changling (in games with Tournament) bug?

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Is this already a known issue?

Game: 32927121.  Turn 8

I bought a Changling.  And a few times in the game, on turns where I had played a Tournament, I could not 'cash in' the Changling.  I get why one can't use Changling to gain another's an odd card that leaves play early.  But on two different turns when I tried to use Changling after playing at least one Tournament card, I could not gain any other card I had played that turn (and was still in play).  The first time I tried this, I got  a message in the game log, referencing that Tournament had been played...and then had been moved automatically as part of the normal game play.  By using Undo, I just skipped using my Changling, so I could continue the game.  The second turn when I tried this (ie, Tournament, and then, later, Changling), I didn't even get an explanatory note in the log.  And finally, when Changling came up in a turn where I had no Tournaments, I could use Changling normally.



Thanks for the report, Josh, but I cannot really make heads or tails of what the problem is.

In turn 8 of the game you mentioned, you had a starting hand of Copper, Gold, Changeling and 2x Estate. You bought a tournament that turn, you did not play one (because you had none in hand). I could gain a Copper or Gold from playing Changeling afterwards, without problem.

You write

QuoteI get why one can't use Changling to gain another's an odd card that leaves play early.

I think you mean Changeling (again) instead of Tournament, because the statement doesn't make sense for Tournament, it doesn't leave play early.

What I found in the log on turn 5 is this, which seems to include the log message you are referring to:

(mocked up Josh for clarity, starting hand is 2x Copper, Royal Seal, Changeling, Estate )
Turn 5 - Josh
J plays a Royal Seal and 2 Coppers. (+$4)
J buys and gains a Tournament.
  J reacts with a Royal Seal.
  J topdecks a card.
  Changeling can no longer move Tournament (it already moved).
J draws 2 Coppers, an Estate and 2 Tournaments.

So you bought the Tournament here, you did not play it. Because you had Royal Seal in play, you got the option to topdeck the Tournament. Because Tournament costs $3 or more, you also got the option to exchange it for a Changeling from its pile. I (and I assume you as well) were presented with both options (see the attached picture), and from the log it seems you chose the option to topdeck it. That results in 3 things that can be seen inn the log:

J reacts with a Royal Seal.
J topdecks a card.

Those first two are obvious. The third is

Changeling can no longer move Tournament (it already moved).

That means that after the Tournament was moved from your discard to the top of your deck, the triggered abilitiy of the Changelings in their pile could no longer move it, because they "lost track". That's what that line is meant to say. That has nothing to do with (later, in your Night phase) being able (or not) to play the Changeling from your hand (which I was able to do in my replay, to get another Copper or Royal Seal).

So from what I can gather, it seems to me that you were confused by the triggered ability of Changeling, that can be seen in the picture: it says Changeling and shows a little Tournament card.

In reality it represents the ability to exchange the just gained Tournament for a Changeling from its pile. I think you interpreted it as a shortcut for "Play the Changeling in my hand and choose to trash it for a Tournament".

That latter is not valid, as the Tournament is not in play. In addition, you play the Changeling in your hand just like any other card in your hand, by clicking on it.


Thanks for the reply Ingix,
I might have been wrong about which turn.  If so, that's frustrating, as it makes your job investigating difficult or impossible.  That's my fault (grumble grumble).

But the problem I had, on two separate turns was:
a. Played a Tournament from my hand (and with no Prov shown by Lord Rat, getting the full benefit of 1 card; 1 coin).
b. Finishing my actions.
c. Doing a normal Buy phase.
d. Attempt to gain a card I had just played via Changling.

I'll note that, the first time, I tried to do this, was unsuccessful, and tried again via Undo.  When I had no luck (ie, game simply did not allow me to select a card via Changling), I used Undo again and just skipped my Changling card.  The exact same thing happened the second time--both times when I had played Tournament in that turn.  BUT, when I finally had a turn where I had Changling but *not* Tournament in my hand, Changling worked perfectly.

I just tried to set up some decks (games 32944286 and 32944610) that had Tournament and Changling.  In both games, Changling worked perfectly.  So, either I originally had a series of min-strokes (joking, I hope), or, something really weird happened in that game that can't be replicated.

If it was the latter (ie, not just an inexplicable mistake on my part), I assume that, sooner or later, another person will post here with some sort of, "Hey that also happened in my game." comment.