Reporting user Goya for insulting/unsportsman behavoir

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I'd like to report Goya for calling me an idiot after I explained why I was denying an undo request.

Goya joined the table.
Joining game #45949695 on ohio.
Undo request was denied.
Undo request was denied.
Alphameow:  Im sorry goinag back to your turn is too far back
Undo request was denied.
Undo request was denied.
Goya:  denying me to undo makes no sense
Alphameow:  I already played 2 cards, and you already decided which card to exile
Goya:  I changed my mind
Goya:  and I didn't draw any cards
Goya:  so...
Alphameow:  And you saw what 2 cards are next in your pile
Alphameow:  I'm sorry, after this long you gotta just go with it
Undo request was denied.
Goya:  you're an idiot
Alphameow:  im gonna report you


1.  I think anyone has the right to report anyone, for any type of behavior. 
2.  I also think that, on the spectrum of behavior at an online website, this seems pretty anodyne.  I mean, I would not call someone an idiot for turning down an Undo request, and I don't think it's good behavior to call someone an idiot for any reason . . . and it certainly does not show good sportsmanship.  But my reaction would probably be to merely blacklist them, so I know I'll not be matched with them in the future.

My two cents only.  :-)