Reporting BrenBarn Game #37340226 for stalling

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BrenBarn asked me to play faster and when I asked him to chill, he decided to "teach me a lesson" and took about 2-3 per action.


+1, BrenBarn did this to me as well:

BrenBarn:  please play faster
BrenBarn:  please
BrenBarn:  play
BrenBarn:  faster
mkatzman:  i am playing at an appropriate speed
BrenBarn:  not even close
BrenBarn:  see how I just played?
BrenBarn:  that is an appropriate speed
BrenBarn:  okay, we'll sit here for a while and think about what an "appropriate" playing speed is
BrenBarn:  you wasted a bunch of time and still lost
BrenBarn:  play
BrenBarn:  faster


+1 -- He just did the same to me.

The timeout being so long makes this game impossible to enjoy after this happens to you a few times (this is the third or fourth time happening to me).