Player level is displaying as 38.75 for both players every game & not updating

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Currently "leaderboard" tab shows me as level 55.69, but every game I join shows level as 38.75 for both of us. Based on the play of some of the players I've been matched with, it seems that the matching system is not taking into account player level either.

David Goldfarb

I'm having the same issue. (Modulo a slightly different leaderboard rating, of course)

Professor Yes

I'm having the same problem.  I didn't think to report it as a bug and started this topic:

Sorry to this happening to anybody, but also glad it's not just me.

iirc mods are mostly European, so they're probably catching some Zs atm, but hopefully this will get resolved soon!


Yes, it's a bug and everyone seems to be affected.

Your "real" ratings isn't lost, it's still in the leaderboard tab, but the matchmaking thinks everybody is level 38.75.

Since it's unclear how a rated game will evaluate (using your real ratings, or the fake 38.75), I'd suggest not playing rated games until this is fixed.

You can see if it is fixed when you look at the matching tab:

In the marked area to the right, you can see that it uses 38.8 as the basis to calculate the range of opponents that I want to match against. As long as it stays that way, the bug isn't fixed.


The problem has been fixed, matchmaking will now use your correct rating.