Unable to see number of cards left in piles or the total treasure in my hand

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Hi there,

I play on Safari and have encountered problems in the last week, where I'm almost completely unable to play. There are two key issues I can see:
(1) that I cannot see the number of cards left in any pile. The number is just stuck on the total cards, unless I refresh the page. Once I refresh the page, the number updates but is stuck again until I refresh. I obviously cannot refresh after move, so it's becoming really hard to play.

(2) I'm unable to see all the cards in my hand in each move. I believe it's mainly treasure that's missing. Every turn it'll show that I have less treasure in my hand. Only when I click 'autoplay treasure' can I then know how much treasure I have in total, because I can't see all the treasure cards in hand. E.g. at the start of all games it will show me that I have 2 coppers and 2 estates. I cannot see the fifth card. When I click autoplay, I realise I have a third copper. This happens throughout the game only with treasure cards.

Any help with this would be appreciated. I've tried playing on a different device and a different connection, to no avail. Thanks!


Thanks for the report!

Safari turned out to be a problem for the recent changes (May 16th and later). The problem with the missing card counts is known and will be worked. For the moment, it looks like that using Chrome might help.


Can I ask if any progress has been made on this. My Dominion subscription is not cheap and I resent being asked to download a browser I don't want to use otherwise in order to make the game work properly.


Some thing are better now, but obviously still there are many problems left. I'll again inform the person doing this that there is still work to do on those issues.


At the moment there is a test version of the game under the URL


I've been told that there are Safari-releated improvements implemented, so I would suggest you try this version and (if possible) give feedback here. Note that there are other things changed there as well, and some things don't totally work (clicking on the Way pictures on cards).

You can use your usual login credentials for that, but beware that rated games do count (so test unrated, in case you run into a bug).