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Topics - AdamH

Interface Issues / two rows on status bar
10 July 2020, 12:12:07 AM
I was in a game where there were three "icons" on the status bar sometimes (horn, lantern, and -$1 token). Whenever there were three of these that had to be displayed at once, it made the rest of the status bar go onto two lines, which doesn't look all that great and is kind of confusing to read at first. The Actions and Buys should probably always show up on one line no matter what, so maybe there's a somewhat simple fix for this that involves that?

I tried a few different window sizes and it seemed pretty consistent that this would happen when there are three icons. I can give specific window sizes needed to reproduce if necessary.
Release 1.5.3 brought us, among other things, this:

Quote* if you blacklist someone and they friend you, you will no longer see them on your friends list

I had hoped that all of the people who friended me and I don't want to friend back could be removed from my friends list, but after blacklisting these people they still appear on my friends list.

Maybe it works when they're already blacklisted and then they try to friend me after that? But this use case isn't working. It would be really nice to not have to wade through all of the troll accounts that have tried to friend me in order to see if anyone new that I actually want to friend is there. Please fix this.
Card Bugs / Bug with March and Ways
02 June 2020, 11:52:57 PM
Game 46957533, includes March and Way of the Squirrel

I buy a March and I have an action card in my discard. I would like to play the action card as Way of the Squirrel but the client does not let me do this. The cards in the discard don't have the Squirrel box on them and there is no reconsider prompt.

After further inspection it looks like I can click the Way card (which is completely covered by the display of my discard) and do it that way, but there at least needs to be a reconsider prompt here.
It's possible to play a rated game where I specify the entire kingdom. It's also possible to play a rated game against a specific opponent. I ended up doing this on accident last night, and had an opponent resign a few games against me (my opponent was rank 3 on the leaderboard) because we were looking to playtest a specific kingdom with a specific opening. We both just assumed it would not be possible to play a rated game with a completely specified kingdom so we didn't even bother to look to see that it was rated.

I've seen people get their accounts removed for doing this. It was an accident this time but that doesn't change the fact that I basically took my opponent's rating -- people have been banned for less. I want it known that this was an accident and if possible, I'd like for these games to not count towards ratings -- it's not fair to my opponent.

Why is it possible to play a rated game against a specific opponent? Why is it possible to play a rated game where you specify kingdom cards? I thought the whole reason the liked/disliked/banned cards lists were implemented was to make it so rated games could have this little bit of control. This has to be a bug, right?
Interface Issues / Game starting when I am not ready
28 October 2019, 05:17:14 PM
I managed to get this one to happen on stream. Here's a clip of it, but I'll also describe what happened here.

Here's what happened. I played a rated automatch game against a person. When the game was over, I clicked "Ready" because I was OK with rematching this person, but that person left the table. My status was displayed as "Not Ready" when this happened.

Then, a spectator sat down at the table, clicked "Ready" and the game immediately started even though I didn't click anything. My status showed "Not Ready" during all of this, but once my new opponent clicked "Ready" the game started.

I should have to click "Ready" again in order to be ready when anything about the table changes, but that didn't happen here.
No one seems to be asking these questions, so I'll ask them now.

It was eight months that development updates were requested and there was absolutely no response from Stef. Bug reports have come in and there are still tons of outstanding bugs. I, along with many others, just gave up trying to report things or ask for new features because there was no response for such a long period of time.

There was one small update but even then there were issues because it seems regression testing wasn't done and some other weird things were broken briefly. It doesn't make much sense to me why RGG would renew a contract with a company who just dropped off for such a long period of time and only after that would we see an attempt at improvements to the software -- I would have expected the other order.

People now have the ability to buy more subscriptions, but is this software ever going to be completed? Are bugs going to be fixed? Is the long list of features that Stef said were going to be worked on in 2017 (!!) going to be worked on? Or will we get more of the last eight months? I personally am not going to renew my subscription unless we see some improvements made to the software AND better communication about what is coming.

So what's the plan for the next couple of years?
Support / Subscription expiration
05 April 2019, 03:07:16 PM
I have this experience on video if there's any confusion as to what happened, but I'll describe it here.

My subscriptions were set up such that all of them were listed as going through April 5, except for Renaissance, which goes through April 4. Last night at 9PM Eastern time on April 4 (which I'm assuming is past midnight UTC) I tried to make a kingdom that included one Renaissance card by copy/pasting a list of cards. There was no error message, it just didn't put the card in the kingdom, letting a random one go in there instead. After a couple of games I realized the Renaissance card wasn't showing up and so I tried to add it in, getting the error message that the card didn't exist (there is no card called Research or something like that).

A couple of issues with this so far. That error message should tell me I don't own that card, not that the card doesn't exist, and there should be some indication when a subscription expires so I don't go starting games and get base-only for no good reason, then have to figure out what happened by going to a tab I never go to. I would think that reminding people that they need to spend money would be preferable to just having the software not do what it's expected to do.

So I went to the store tab and saw what the expiration dates on my subscriptions were. It shows me a day only. Maybe due to time zones I have this weird case where I'm looking at a subscription that expires on April 4, but it's April 4 for me and I can't use it. Subscription information should be sensitive to that -- either give me the subscription until midnight in my own time zone (if you have that information) or give me the subscription until midnight in the western-most time zone in the world, or give the subscription until the time I originally bought it. In all cases, it should list the time when that subscription will expire on the Account tab, since the day by itself is causing this situation to come up.
Card Bugs / Scepter + Farmers' Market
02 February 2019, 03:27:46 PM
I play a Farmer's Market, then in my buy phase I play a Scepter to replay the Farmer's Market, which this time trashes the Farmer's Market. So far so good.

I play another Scepter, which gives me the option of replaying the Farmers' Market (which it should not, because the Farmer's Market is no longer in play). I select the Farmers' Market and it plays the FM just like normal (which should not be allowed).

I have not tested this with any other cards that can remove themselves from play. But this is clearly a bug. Please fix thx
Feature Requests / Friend list improvements
18 January 2019, 06:38:39 PM
When I get a friend request from someone but I haven't approved it yet, the only way I know that I have these is to go to my friends tab and scroll all the way down to the bottom. Similarly with friend requests I've sent out and haven't been approved yet. It would be nice if the client would show a little notification around the friend list button telling me the number of friend requests I still have to approve (just like every social networking platform has). At the very least it would be good if those were at the top of the list instead of at the bottom and/or there was some way to know if I had friend requests that need attention.

There is currently no way to decline a friend request, I just have to let it sit there unapproved forever. I have a few of these laying around and no way to get rid of them, which makes it even harder to find the new ones that I want to approve. There are a lot of ways this can be done and they are probably all fine, but as of right now my friend list is kind of a mess and I have no way to fix it.
Other Bugs / Rated games with specified kingdom cards
18 January 2019, 04:23:58 AM

I can set up a table and play a rated game against a person where I specify one or more of the kingdom cards. If I can't use the familiar cards feature in rated games and I can do this, there's an inconsistency here.

Either rated games should always be full random or they shouldn't be -- whether automatch is used shouldn't affect this.
Feature Requests / View spectator list
07 January 2019, 04:16:43 AM
Let's say I'm playing a game and people are joining and leaving the table. I'd like to be able to see a current list of spectators at the table rather than trying to parse the game log and figure it out from there. I don't think spectators or players are able to see this during the game -- perhaps who sees this list should be tied to the setting where you select if players can see spectator chat?
Interface Issues / Table options displayed incorrectly
17 December 2018, 04:54:57 PM
Recently I've been doing playtesting using the online client for designed kingdoms. It's very important that people on my friends list don't see what kingdoms I'm playing with because many of them plan to attend my tournament. Cool. I can set "Allow Spectators" to "No" and I don't believe they can do this.

So I play a few games and then now I want to playtest a different kingdom. I go back to the table options and "Allow Spectators" is set to its default "Yes". I don't believe the behavior is wrong here (I don't have any way to check) but the table should save its settings between games. In either case, it should be checked to make sure that the options are being displayed properly.

Ideally, my table settings should be remembered for me even if I log off and log back on. And this other one may be on the list already but "Allow Spectators" settings should work for people joining the table as well as spectators. If I have all spectators disallowed but I haven't put a bot at my table to fill all seats, I don't want anyone to be able to see what kingdom I'm using or be able to sit at my table.
There was an update rolled out today. I updated to the new version of the client and I'm trying to play a specific kingdom that has no Shelters and Colony/Platinum. I go to the screen that lets me select the kingdom and I set these parameters to what I want and click Done. The text on the table says I've selected Platinum/Colony but if I go back to the kingdom selection or start a game they are both random.

I was doing this just fine earlier today but then the update happened and it stopped working; it's almost certainly something to do with the update.
Other Bugs / Game end screen of wrong game
09 October 2018, 11:44:52 PM
Something very strange just happened to me, I'll try to describe it the best I can:

I opened the client. I see that one of my friends is spectating a game so I click the "join" button. Later I leave the table but the game is still going on. I went back to the main screen and clicked the button that sets me up with a quick game against one bot.

That game loads, I play out the game, the game ends and I click the "OK" button on the window that says that the game has ended. It takes me to a game end screen, but it appears to be the game end screen for the game I was spectating -- not the one against the bot I had just played.

The table appears to still be right: I'm sitting with Lord Rattington at a table and I can edit that table just fine, but the results, score, deck contents and break down is all for the game I was spectating.

I'm not sure what other information I can provide but this was very weird.
Interface Issues / card on top of discard
06 October 2018, 04:19:32 PM
Frequently I'll look at the card on top of my opponent's discard pile and it will be an Estate. They have no control over what card shows up there yet it's a card that gives me information.

If you're going to go through the trouble of showing me a pretty card on top of the discard pile but not bother to give people control of what shows up there, the default should at least be a card that was in play.
Feature Requests / Autoplay for Sewers
29 September 2018, 02:18:06 AM
It would be great to have an autoplay for Sewers where it stopped asking me if I wanted to trash another card when I tell it to.
Interface Issues / Cubes by username
28 September 2018, 11:10:51 PM
So in a game with projects, if a player hasn't bought a project yet, there's a colored cube that appears by their username. Why is this there? I think it shouldn't be there.

There is no display like that for +Action tokens that haven't been placed yet in Lost Arts games. If anything, make it consistent, but it seems obvious that not putting them there is the way to go.
Interface Issues / Treasurer option "Do Nothing"
27 September 2018, 05:11:29 PM
I played a Treasurer with no treasures in the trash. I'm presented with some options that are confusing to me.

The log says I can either trash a treasure or take the key. I'm seeing the treasures in my hand highlighted like I can trash them and then I see two buttons "Take the Key" and "Do nothing".

I know that if I choose to gain a treasure from the trash that nothing will happen and that's why the button says "do nothing" -- but this is more confusing to me than just a button that says to gain from the trash and then allowing nothing to happen. Also, it seems like the game log is missing an option for me (either take a treasure from the trash or do nothing, whichever you end up deciding is what you're going to keep)
General Discussion / Communication about these updates
26 September 2018, 03:50:09 PM
I've been really happy with the changes to the client that came along with the previews. Yes the previews are fun and awesome but in my mind the best part about all of this are the much-needed improvements that came along with it.

I really wish that there had been some communication about this before this week. For several months there hasn't been any indication that anything at all had been worked on. There wasn't even a response to threads that asked for updates. No list of features that were planned for the next release. I honestly thought that development work on the Dominion client had been abandoned and that Renaissance wouldn't be available in time.

It would have been a huge deal if there had been some communication, anything at all.
After the 55th time that I forgot I had debt because it was in a tiny icon in the corner of my screen, I decided to post here about this.

Why doesn't the debt a player currently has display with the coins they have? Like, it can be other places too but it really should be there. My coins and my potions are there, so there should totally be an icon there to show me how much debt I have.