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Messages - dominion10101

Quote from: Ingix on 19 August 2022, 05:57:56 PM

(3) There is no feature that says "Show me all cards from expansion X and card pool level Y". So you'll have comb through the screens and look for yourself, unfortunately, if you want that kind of information.

Hello. Thank you for the explanation, it helped me to understand which cards are included in my core package. What I do not understand however is why there is no such feature - or even simpler, a feature that returns all cards included in my core package as one long (exportable) list, such  that I could feed it into a set generator. Because with the old subscription model, the silver package allowed for tons of fun for players like me who do not play that often - as sets could easily be generated by choosing the 7 included packages (basic game, seaside etc.). Now however there is no easy way to create sets anymore as set generators don't know this level 1-10 distinction introduced.

(Or am I missing something here? = If anyone knows a set generator capable of accounting for my silver subscription I'd be super glad.) Thanks.

alright, I just learned that has an ingame-setgenerator which is extremely simple - just not choosing any cards when creating a table and then clicking "ready". for some reason neither me nor my 3 friends who've been playing for 1,5 years knew this was a thing. which for now seems to solve my problem (and seeing that nobody else complained about it, the set generator seems to be alright).