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Bug Reports / Re: Thrown in to another game ...
Last post by Ingix - Today at 09:48:28 AM
It's not clear what the reason is for players being put into multiple games at once. The developer is aware of the problem, but no fix or workaround is known, unfortunately.

General Discussion / Re: Where is Administration fo...
Last post by Ingix - Today at 09:44:18 AM
You can post your problem here or send me a private message
General Discussion / Where is Administration forum....
Last post by Victormxf - Today at 08:26:44 AM
Where is admin?
I'ts important.
Bug Reports / Thrown in to another game in m...
Last post by Dompagninon - Today at 06:28:47 AM
This has been happening now at least two months and almost daily: I am playing one game and suddenly, ping, the server throws me in the beginning of another game! Anyone else experiencing this? Super annoying and critical bug.

Another bad issue: 3-player-games are nowadays showing 2-player-ratings in the game mode (the leaderboard shows the correct data).

Any fixes to these soon? Please. Really bad stuff.
General Discussion / Where is Administration forum....
Last post by Victormxf - Today at 12:56:18 AM
Where is administration?
I'ts important.
Support / Re: The site looks weird now. ...
Last post by Ingix - 16 February 2025, 09:36:50 AM
I got a few responses to my question on the Dominion discord, but all said to them it looks normal. I know that in the past there were problems with 'old' Safari versions. Is your Safari roughly up to date? Could you try updating if not?
Support / Re: Reporting Abusive Player F...
Last post by Ingix - 16 February 2025, 09:22:36 AM
You misunderstood the nature of the request to give some way to contact you.

It is not meant so you get information about what happened as a result of your report. It is meant to alllow to contact you in case something about a report is unclear. For example, some players mention they have screenshots, so I contact them and they send them to me.

> I took the time to fill out the report and want to know if something was done and what.

And I took the time to read and asses your report and act accordingly, and did the same with all the other reports that also came in. I do not want to report back to each reporter and then start a discussion why the player that plays since 3 years and was never reported before and said "fuck you" to them isn't instantly banned.

I appreciate all the players that take the time to report players. But please don't expect a report back, for the reasons I stated above.

But since you asked expressively, the player you reported got banned, because their accounts have a history of similar expletives used and got banned for that before.
General Discussion / Re: Why do players resign at t...
Last post by leafyscreen - 15 February 2025, 05:31:57 PM
If they resign at the last second, they think they are protecting their ranking because they did not "lose". That would be incorrect.

There are several sides to the resign debate.

Resigning in a multiplayer game is never cool.

Resigning because you are going to lose deprives the other player from playing out a good deck. Now as long as that player does not drag out the game by continuing to buy action cards and money when they could be buying victory cards to bring the game to a close, to me that is OK. I will continue and see how much I can do.

However, if they continue to buy action cards and money in order to have a mega buy turn, I'm not sticking around for that. I'm especially not sticking around if they can play their entire deck and still keep buying actions and $, and double especially if said player has a hand size attack card they get to play every time and I'm playing with 3 cards every turn. If they don't show they are looking to end the game, I'm gone.

Or the obnoxious player in a Barbarian game that got the 2/5 split and picks up a Barbarian early. Then pick up another, and another, and another, etc while you struggle to get 5 to get even 1. Again, not showing an inclination to head toward winning and ending the game, but just getting their kicks seeing how much they can make you trash.
Support / Reporting Abusive Player Feedb...
Last post by leafyscreen - 15 February 2025, 03:14:09 PM
I reported an abusive player and selected that I wanted a reply using the forum. Where does that feedback get put and how will I know a reply was made, and how would I access it. I took the time to fill out the report and want to know if something was done and what.
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by Ingix - 13 February 2025, 09:00:24 AM
Sure, done!