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Messages - dan

2017 Championship (archived) / Re: Rules Discussions
31 August 2017, 10:24:42 PM
Quote from: AdamH on 31 August 2017, 07:23:07 PM
But yeah in Magic, do they really have people who played in the tournament commentate? I thought that with any competition of that kind of scale they would have dedicated commentators. It would seem weird to me but I'm not educated on the issue.

There's this guy, or perhaps legend, Luis-Scott Vargas who is a professional player, writer, game designer, and (for now) a professional commentator.

He used to play in major events, make the top 8, lose, and the jump in the commentary booth just a couple of minutes later.
2017 Championship (archived) / Re: Rules Discussions
11 August 2017, 07:17:40 PM
Quote from: AdamH on 11 August 2017, 05:19:12 AM
Quote from: drsteelhammer on 11 August 2017, 04:39:26 AM
Playing against a smurf of yours to game the leaderboard is forbidden by the site, not the tournament.
Understood. This is not what I was suggesting though. I'm asking if it's OK for me to just automatch against someone in a rated game and then resign right away just to meet the requirement. Is this considered abuse? Should I just buy Estates and Curses until the game is over instead? I don't want to play rated games is what I'm getting at, and I'm going to do as little as possible to meet this requirement if I decide I want to play in this tournament. I also don't want to break any rules.

Well, I can't imagine anybody would encourage that!

The rated game requirement helps with the initial seeding.

And, with 7 game matches, 20 rated games is pretty modest (you already have 16)!
dan brooks in
Issues in: #628947 on oregon

There were some stability issues at the end of a long black market game.

After attempting to undo a princed cellar, the client begins to slow down for all three players in the game. After a (maybe related) blue screen, logging in takes longer than usual as well.

On turn 20, I attempt to undo an action phase crown, which results in a number of visual bugs. Buying black market appeared to reduce the black market in supply by two. Each card in my hand had a two in the upper left.

Really weird. Early game was fine. I think undo was related.
Change it to "Already here, baby!" :-)
Other Bugs / Identical
11 January 2017, 05:21:32 AM
Anecdotally, if both players have the same starting hands and opening, the first shuffle is identically. Including the player number in the random number seeding could create divergent and deterministic shuffles.
Card Bugs / Use colonies doesn't work
04 January 2017, 01:57:27 PM
As of a day ago specifying [use colonies] resulted in games without colonies twice in a row.
Playing a golem into an envoy results in the game freezing. The choice on envoy can't go through.
Interface Issues / Min/Max relative rating text
02 January 2017, 04:28:26 PM
Created a game, set min/max rating to +/-100, left and then rejoined. The game feature screen shows:

Min relative rating: [object Object]
Max relative rating: [object Object]
Interface Issues / Friends List is Zoom Dependent
02 January 2017, 04:21:12 PM
When a friends list is long enough to scroll, increasing the font size in chrome causes the names to hang over the bottom of the white boundary. The boundary should extend with the font size - white_div_size = 10 * (font_height + buffer))
Feature Requests / Continuous Twitch Stream
11 December 2016, 07:48:11 PM
So here is an idea for a long-term feature that I think would be interesting (and generate publicity).

A 24/7 twitch stream that spectates matches in progress. After 1 game finishes it would move to another.