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Topics - J Reggie

Game Log Issues / Wild Hunt loses track of Estate
04 April 2017, 02:09:56 AM
Here's the end of my last turn of game #2552850 on tokyo.

J buys and gains an Estate.
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it moved).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it moved).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it moved).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it moved).
J gets 6 VP from Groundskeeper.
J returns 2 Estates to the Estate pile.
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Estate loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
J returns an Estate to the Estate pile.
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Estate loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
J returns an Estate to the Estate pile.
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
J returns an Estate to the Estate pile.
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Wild Hunt loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
Estate loses track of Estate (it was covered up).
J takes 6 debt.
J repays 1 debt (5 remaining).
J shuffles their deck.
J draws a Copper, 2 Enchantresses and 2 Groundskeepers.

I think Ambassador also randomly lost track of Estate at several points.  I had Inherited Encampments.
Interface Issues / Reserve cards displaying as in play
27 December 2016, 05:16:41 PM
As you should see in the screenshot, in game #6096 on Frankfurt-test2, I called a guide from my tavern mat and then played a guide, which should have gone on my tavern mat. Because of the cards stacking in the display, though, the second guide also showed up as staying in play. I haven't tested this with scheme, bonfire, etc., but I plan to do that.

Edit: I tried this with bonfire in game #6100 and it didn't let me trash either of the guides, even the one that's in play.