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Messages - Missy

My username is Missy

1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots:  I'd like the campaign option, although it's not really necessary for me because I am almost always online.

2. A bot with a setting for different play styles:  This would be a good option for me because I almost always play against bots, and it would add a lot to be able to change it up. 

3. A strong bot:  Yes, better bot options would be a plus.

4. Options for timed games:  Not something I would use

5. Options for undo settings:  I'm not really concerned with the undo feature

6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends: This sounds like fun, but probably something I wouldn't use.

7. Option to invite specific players to your table:  This would be a good feature to have.

8. More translations (to what language?)  Not needed for me

9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/... I'm happy with the current animation -I don't think it would add anything to the game, and I wouldn't like it if it slowed down the play.

10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ... no opinion - I don't think this applies to the expansions I play.

10. Option to hide the log:  I don't use the log, but I don't think there's a reason to hide it.  Wouldn't add anything for me.

11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?):  I would love this as long as it was easy to see the cards. I'd love to be able to play Dominion anywhere!

12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)  Never use an iPhone, so not necessary for me.

13. Downloadable game logs:  Wouldn't use this

14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...):  I mostly play against bots because I can't stand slow play and don't like to chat.

15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion: Might be good to get new players hooked, but I'd have no use for it.

16. Tutorial on how to play dominion online:  Not something I would use.