Recent posts

Announcements / Re: Releases
Last post by Stef - 02 May 2024, 06:29:10 PM
too many problems with 1.8 for now, I've reverted back to
Interface Issues / Re: Unable to get past initial...
Last post by vinay - 02 May 2024, 05:58:33 PM
I'm having the same problem on Chrome
Interface Issues / Unable to get past initial loa...
Last post by BurntOrangeSD - 02 May 2024, 05:51:12 PM
I have been trying to log in with Brave (Version 1.65.126 Chromium: 124.0.6367.118 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and I don't get past the initial loading screen with the castle icon. I can load up in Edge without a problem.

When I look in the debug console in Brave, I'm seeing an error from the autoplayer blocker:

The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page.

Uncaught ReferenceError: getPort is not defined
    at new <anonymous> (connection.js:5:5)
    at Object.instantiate (angular.min.js:495:84)
    at Object.<anonymous> (angular.min.js:504:22)
    at Object.invoke (angular.min.js:493:301)
    at Object.$get (angular.min.js:457:19)
    at Object.invoke (angular.min.js:493:301)
    at angular.min.js:521:49
    at r (angular.min.js:482:49)
    at i (angular.min.js:490:112)
    at Object.instantiate (angular.min.js:495:50)
    at Object.<anonymous> (angular.min.js:504:22)
    at Object.invoke (angular.min.js:493:301)
    at Object.$get (angular.min.js:457:19)
    at Object.invoke (angular.min.js:493:301)
    at angular.min.js:521:49
    at r (angular.min.js:482:49)
    at i (angular.min.js:490:112)
    at Object.instantiate (angular.min.js:495:50)
    at Object.<anonymous> (angular.min.js:504:22)
    at Object.invoke (angular.min.js:493:301)
    at Object.$get (angular.min.js:457:19)
    at Object.invoke (angular.min.js:493:301)
    at angular.min.js:521:49
    at r (angular.min.js:482:49)
    at i (angular.min.js:490:112)
    at Object.invoke (angular.min.js:493:58)
    at angular.min.js:525:14
    at r (angular.min.js:28:28)
    at Ge (angular.min.js:524:47)
    at r (angular.min.js:224:31)
    at J (angular.min.js:231:150)
    at X (angular.min.js:215:56)
    at angular.min.js:4437:5
    at HTMLDocument.n (angular.min.js:2695:23)
    at Fe (angular.min.js:423:7)
    at HTMLDocument.n (angular.min.js:418:48)

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

I was able to load up yesterday without a problem, but my PC just did a reboot this morning.
Announcements / Re: Releases
Last post by Stef - 02 May 2024, 03:59:46 PM

New version is up, that uses a different architecture.
It works fine, but unfortunately it may require you to clear your cache to connect.

How to do that depends on the browser you're using. You could search it on the web, or look here
Support / Re: Tax invoice for subscripti...
Last post by Ingix - 30 April 2024, 08:34:34 AM
I'll remind him.
Support / Re: Tax invoice for subscripti...
Last post by khornlund - 30 April 2024, 06:37:22 AM
Thanks, any luck?
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by Ingix - 28 April 2024, 05:22:00 PM
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by Kjellerbryggern - 28 April 2024, 12:28:02 PM
Please delete my account: username dominoholic
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by Ingix - 27 April 2024, 10:31:04 AM
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by jluner - 26 April 2024, 06:55:19 PM
Please delete my account here and in Dominion Online.
My username is JLuner