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Messages - AJD

Yes, as Ingix says, her Firefox is fully updated as much as her OS will allow. Please let me know if you can find a solution that works for her version of Firefox; thank you!
Sorry for the delay! The operating system is MacOS: El Capitan 10.11.6; the Firefox version is 78.15.0.

Thank you!
She's asleep right now but I'll ask her to check the exact version number when she wakes up; I think it was 70-something but I'm not sure. I know she had just updated Firefox to the newest version compatible with her operating system and it said "Firefox is up to date".
Hello! My fiancé has been playing for the first time since the big server update a couple weeks ago and there are serious problems with the interface for her. The main ones are as follows:

  • Her hand does not consistently display the number of cards of the same name, which is supposed to appear as a white number on a red background in the top left of the card. Sometimes the number appears and sometimes it doesn't. I've attached a screenshot of a turn on which she had a Cultist, three Coopers, and an Estate in hand, the three Coopers are displayed as a single Copper without any indication that there was more than one of them. However, playing the Cultist she drew two Coppers and then the number did display correctly with a five in the corner (second screenshot). Sometimes it shows some numbers but not others in the same hand; the third screenshot illustrates a turn on which she had three Coppers and two Estates; the Coppers display the number but the Estates don't.
  • The icons on cards that are supposed to allow her to activate Ways are not being displayed. The fourth screenshot shows a game using Way of the Monkey, but no Monkey icon appears on the Cultist and Border Guard in hand. (Also there are two Coppers in this hand, but the number 2 is not displayed.)

Is there any way to fix these bugs?