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Messages - allanfieldhouse

General Discussion / Re: 2nd Edition Only?
06 January 2017, 09:41:54 PM
Quote from: Philothea on 05 January 2017, 08:18:48 PM
In real life, no one is going to throw away all their retired cards and never play them again. They will add the new ones in and play games with everything in the mix.

I removed all but one or two of them -- even before/without getting the update packs. Most of them simply make the game less fun than replacing it with any random card that still exists. A lot of them have some cool niche cases, but in general they just suck.
Quote from: Ingix on 06 January 2017, 07:08:08 AM
This is something that will be very hard to effectively solve, as there are just so many effects it can apply to. For example at making fun, I set the "delay" to some middle value so I could reasonably see what happened when computer opponent played a card chain, but then I got to wait "for an eternity" if he used a Trader to get 5 silvers and the game client would show me each silver seperately 5 times.

I think the "too slow vs too fast" thing is actually pretty simple to solve in most cases. First, they need an animation to show everything that happens. Especially things like revealing a card with Herald or trashing with Rebuild. Then they need an option to turn animations off or control their speed.

Finally, they can customize some of the specific animations -- if you gain 5 silvers, that should be one animation that flashes up 5 silvers, not 5 animations of 1 silver each (and if you didn't catch exactly how many silvers they gained, you can always just reference the log). Technically you didn't gain them all at once, but in many cases, they can be displayed that way (if you have a duplicate, it would have to show the first gain and then ask you).

Luckily the developers have said they're going to add all the missing animations.
General Discussion / Re: Pricing and reimbursement
06 January 2017, 09:03:44 PM
Quote from: Angelbane on 06 January 2017, 02:55:41 AM

Here is MY analogy.

I Buy a Toyota with all the bells and whistles to go off-road alone I don't want/need anyone with me cause anyone with me it came with a winch (campaign mode) if I get stuck. So I off driving the trails and all of a sudden my truck stops running. I have gas I have spark there is nothing wrong with it. Unbeknownst to me Toyota just sold the rights to the truck line to GM and a kill command was sent to my perfectly GREAT vehicle (at least to me I like it even if others don't). I then find out that in order to continue driving the trails I have to use a DIFFERENT truck does not have all the features that I am used to and really the only ones that matter to me (campaign mode) and to add insult to injury I have to pay ~50% of what I paid originally EVERY YEAR for the privilege.

Oh and as far as the first year free not on my account.

Good news!

They're developing campaign mode, so you'll be set there later in the year. They've also promised a Dominion Offline version where you can own all the expansions forever (even if they later lose the license). Offline isn't done yet, but if you purchased all expansions on the old site, you can get it for free when it's done (instead of the free year subscription).

So it sounds like they've promised you exactly what you want, but it's just not done yet.

Edit: Okay, it sounds like you probably only had the subscription. In that case, they sold it to you as something that would only work until the end of the year, and they were pretty explicit about that being the case. You can still buy the new truck you want though!
General Discussion / Re: Initial site impressions
06 January 2017, 08:46:10 PM
I agree with basically all of ElisabetK's "new player" observations (though I'm not a new player and didn't have most of those issues myself). Thank you for taking the time to write out your initial experience (starting with even trying to find the site). Thinking from a new player's perspective is really hard when you're already familiar with the system.

On the other hand, you're way off about Vassal -- it's a super fun card. :) Try it out with Harbinger (or Artisan and a village). First you put an awesome action on top of your deck, then you play it with Vassal (while basically getting Vassal's +2 money for free). Or somehow manage to get 5 Vassals on top of your deck and watch them all magically chain together.
Feature Requests / Re: Remember login
03 January 2017, 02:27:20 AM
The new version has been working perfectly with LastPass ever since the beta ended. I don't know if you specifically changed anything, but it's a big improvement!
Quote from: Seprix on 01 January 2017, 08:22:07 PM
People just need to relax. The interface is already way better than Making Fun's, and it's only going to get better moving forward.

I'm all for defending the new version under the assumption that it's getting better. But it's inarguably worse than MF currently. Sure they've made improvements in some areas, but other things are just flat out broken or poorly designed. Calling reserves, journey token, trash area, "naming" a knight, etc. They know about these problems, and they're going to fix them, so I give them a bit of a free pass. But don't claim the new version is already better than the old one.

Quote from: TwoWhiteBears on 01 January 2017, 08:51:28 PM
We need to bitch about it so ShuffleIt knows how much we dislike their design choices. I don't think just waiting around for them to make their client better is reasonable, especially considering the typical response I've seen from the admins here is basically "we like what we've done."

Specific constructive criticism is awesome, and I'm sure the developers love getting it. Simply bitching at them is worse than pointless -- it wastes everyone's time. Look at RoyG's post above as an example of a completely useless post. He's just mad and venting (but not trying to get anything fixed).

For examples of useful feedback, check out the "Features" forum. Especially the posts from mid-December after the "public reveal" stream. There's tons of specific examples of things that suck in the new interface, but the people (usually) aren't bitching -- they're trying to provide suggestions to create a better product. And there are replies from the developers like "Yeah, I agree. We'll get to this eventually."
General Discussion / Re: Permanent, no online?
01 January 2017, 03:28:33 PM
The offline version isn't done yet, so everyone's been stuck into the online subscription option for now.

Can one of the developers comment a bit more on exactly what the process will be? Long-term, I want the offline version for all sets. I'm currently subscribed to everything but Empires (from the MF transfer). If I subscribe to Gold now (to add Empires to my account), will I be able to transfer everything over to "offline" later in the year?
You guys need to calm down a bit. I'm firmly in the camp of "MF was better than the current implementation", but that was an established, mature product. The new version is clearly not done, but neither was the old version when it was released.

The new version has a ton of small improvements compared to the old version, and the developers have acknowledged the (many) areas that fall short. Give 'em a chance.
Feature Requests / Re: Remember login
30 December 2016, 09:55:08 PM
Yeah, it definitely needs to remember the login info.

Another related issue is that the site doesn't work with LastPass. I know support for random browser extensions probably isn't high on the list of priorities, but in general, LastPass just works for all login forms. You (web developers) have to do something really weird or non-standard for it to not work. So maybe just make the login a standard form?
What about when the next expansion includes a card saying "when you gain a vp token..."?

AI bugs / Re: Waiting for Lord Rattington (Possession)
22 December 2016, 07:02:01 PM
Oh...this was already posted in another forum.
AI bugs / Waiting for Lord Rattington (Possession)
22 December 2016, 07:00:42 PM
Every time I played Possession in a bot game, things broke. I played my extra turn, the bot played its normal turn, but then when my next turn was supposed to start, it just said "Waiting for Lord Rattington" and I couldn't do anything.

Exiting and rejoining the game fixed it until I played another Possession.
Feature Requests / Kingdom of the Week
21 December 2016, 05:11:15 PM
So Reddit has a "Kingdom of the Week" feature where you can discuss a particular set of cards. It's semi-interesting, but most people don't really care because you can't have a great discussion of the kingdom until you've actually played it a couple times.

On the other hand, Kingdom of the Week would be an awesome feature in-game. Each week there could be a different kingdom set up that anyone could easily play on. Then the Reddit discussion threads could be a place to talk about the "real" KotW.

Obviously fix up the game client itself first, but this would be a cool feature to implement later on.
Feature Requests / Re: Easy way to buy Multiple cards?
21 December 2016, 04:56:19 PM
That sounds like a bug. Rather than requesting a new feature to work around a bug, just ask for the bug to be fixed.
Feature Requests / Re: Controlled Kingdom Randimization
21 December 2016, 04:52:57 PM
Quote from: ThetaSigma12 on 14 December 2016, 09:11:46 PM
It would be nice to have some more options for when you randomly generate a kingdom to control it a bit more:
-Include only Events

That would be a mighty boring game with no kingdom cards ;)

Seriously though, could you build an "engine" out of just events? Seems like it'd actually be possible...