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Messages - hary

General Discussion / Re: Getting from 55 to 60?
01 September 2019, 02:19:23 PM
Quote from: AdamH on 01 September 2019, 01:30:37 PM
I would not recommend taking strategy advice from the wiki seriously. There's more advice on the that's just plain bad advice than would be useful to someone like you who had managed to get to level 54.

If you're not familiar with it, you might consider checking out my blog at there are links there to a bunch of my other content too, as well as a list of articles from around the internet that I feel are free from any bad advice.

Generally, I would tell you that you make your own shuffle luck. Sure there are huge random factors in the game, but my philosophy is to never blame them for my losses, but rather to always be looking for ways to improve your own play. I believe that even the best players in the world have a lot of room to improve their game play.

That's all pretty general advice though. If you have more specific questions I can probably help.

Thank you i will have a look. You are absulutely right by saying "make your own shuffle luck". That is why i wrote "feeling", knowing that there is plenty to optimize in my game. Guess it is time to start with some post-match analysis ?!
General Discussion / Getting from 55 to 60?
01 September 2019, 10:53:06 AM
Hi Community,

After thousands of games (on and offline) I am now stable at a ~54 rating and curious about how to take the next step. I find myself often in games against similar players, where I have the feeling that the game is decided by drawing luck. Of course it is just a feeling and I am sure, that there would have been a better strategy to win the game. With a rating about ~54 I consider myself a pretty decent player, a bit above average and I am asking myself, how to get to the 60s? I guess when you reach about ~55, you have to start getting serious about the game to further improve and i am looking for some advices. Until now I just played the game and read some articles on

What sources do you use to improve your game? I know that using additional tools (even if its pen and paper) are not encouraged and should be avoided, but it is obvious that keeping track of everything in a neat way is very helpful. To be honest, I sometimes use the chat to keep track of my coopers (well) or my sets (palace). Do 60+ players use any tools besides their brain?

What was helping you to get from mid 50 up to the holy 60?
