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Messages - ravi

I still find "join" quite confusing. I think you should not have "join" but use "spectate" and "play" buttons instead depending on the game state.
Since this is the biggest part of the new release, I think it's good to start a thread on feedback on the new lobby.

Big improvement so far. What I like:

  • Friends list
  • Familiar Cards concept - could be really cool for beginners
  • Matching - not sure exactly how it's being implemented, but good that it's there

Areas needing improvement:

  • In the table view, there has to be a way to see who is in each game before entering as a player/spectator
  • When you leave a table as a spectator it brings you to the "new table" screen as opposed to the "tables" screen. I think this makes no sense and was annoying when trying to find a table I was looking for to spectate
  • When making a new table for 2, clicking "ready" before someone enters my table starts the game with a bot. This was super counter-intuitive for me. I think there should be a warning for this or a much clearer text. I may be "ready" but that doesn't mean I want to play a bot, that could mean I am "ready" to play whomever enters my table. A fix for this is to have the button say "Play a bot" while no one is at the table and switch to "ready" when a player enters your table. Not sure how to scale this up for 3+ player games but I am sure there is a better solution than now.
  • On that note, when I finish a game with someone and want to rematch and click "ready" the game doesn't start. They leave the table and the game still doesn't start. Then to start a game with a bot I have to unclick ready and reclick. This seems really clunky to me
  • The "need help" link is nice, but this should open in a new tab and not close out your current run of the game
those question marks do nothing for me. Can't click them, and hovering over them doesn't bring up any helpful text. On Chrome in macOS
Interface Issues / Enchantress Issues
23 December 2016, 03:25:03 PM
When an opponent plays an enchantress there should be some kind of warning that the next action played will be nerfed. Also, when an enchantressed action is played, it should say so on the log. Seeing "L played Margrave, L draws 1 card" is really weird when reading back the log.
I've been playing around and it seems like you determine font size/placement by the width of the window but you are assuming no one will go wider than 16:9. When people go ultrawide it causes issues. I think you should maybe pick based on height rather than width and you won't run into as many issues. I'm not an expert on dynamic UI sizing but maybe there are some best practices to use.
I may not be in the majority here, but I actually would go one step further than just showing all automatic decisions. I would recommend turning off almost all automatic decisions by default. I think clicking through even the most trivial decisions (clicking estate when you swindle your opponent's estate and there are no other 2-cost cards for example) is important when learning the game. It gets you to really understand what the cards do. Sure, have an option to automatically do these things for more advanced users, but not by default.
Card Bugs / Mystic shuffling my deck before naming
15 December 2016, 06:58:41 PM
Subtle bug, in game #1645 on frankfurt-test2: Turn 9, I have a Mystic in my hand and then am at the end of my deck. When I play the Mystic, my deck gets shuffled before I name the card. I don't think the deck should be shuffled until after I name the card because I don't need to start looking through it until then.
Sorry didn't note the game, but I tried to undo from my black market play and then the black market cards disappeared and nothing was clickable. I tried to undo again to back out of it but couldn't click on anything.  /resign didn't work either, had to kick & resign to get out of it.

General Discussion / Re: General Suggestions
14 December 2016, 03:01:54 PM
Quote from: MVoltaire on 14 December 2016, 02:39:33 PM
Another suggestion:
I find the "Kick" and "Kick & Resign" option on the startpage rather unintuitive. I started a game yesterday against AI and forgot about it. When I just logged into the client again I found myself back in the game (without an enemy btw..? Edit: My mistake, it seems I startet a game with only one player) and I reloaded to get out of the game but landed again on the startpage and logged myself backin and looked for a way out of the game (/lobby didnt work, neither did other commands I invented... ;)). I only then remembered that someone had posted in this forum somewhere that there was a quit or kick option on the startpage and I used it.
So my suggestion would be to put a quit/resign button in the game screen.

Cheers :)

Of course they will be adding this later. For now, I think /resign would have accomplished what you were looking for.
They are listed in the log, but I think one should be able to see them as well.
game #938 on frankfurt-test2
I hit undo and went to the part in the game where I could select a card to topdeck from harbinger looking through my discard. However, I cannot select any cards from my discard pile because that becomes invisible.
Feature Requests / Re: ravi's suggestion thread
13 December 2016, 11:32:39 AM
Quote from: ravi on 12 December 2016, 10:18:06 PM
Another recommendation:

Stack cards when looking through discard with harbinger.

Just realized that stacking won't solve the issue in Black Market situations. Probably better to stagger them like you do for the cards in play.
Also, make sure to wait until Lord Rattington has a discard pile. Everything is clear on turn 1 before he has one. It is the discard pile that is hiding the VP counter.
Are you playing against Lord Rattington? It looked clear when I played someone with a shorter name (eHunt) but not with longer names.
Feature Requests / Re: Remove useless decisions
13 December 2016, 10:49:41 AM
I think he means there is no reason to NOT pay off debt after your last buy. If you have some extra coins, they would always just go towards paying any debt you have, so why make this a choice? I can't think of an edgecase offhand.