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Dominion => General Discussion => Topic started by: masicham on 25 July 2017, 10:14:19 AM

Title: Player buys province without enough money
Post by: masicham on 25 July 2017, 10:14:19 AM
I couldn't find an appropriate forum to post this so I am posting this here instead.

I played a game of Dominion against someone and it was down to the wire. I needed to buy the last province in a game to win and there were no extra buys. I had enough money to buy that province and win, I just needed my opponent to be unable to afford it. He plays a witch and I gain a curse, then he plays a silver and copper and the game ends.

I didn't know how the game ended since three piles did not clear and he could not afford the last province. Whe I check the score, it says he has 5 provinces and I have 3 as well. The game log also states he bought and gained a province on his last turn so he somehow purchased it. I included a screenshot of this in the first attachment.

I thought maybe he did play enough to buy the province and bought it before the animations for his treasure played and this also did not show up in the log, so I ended a game buying the last province yet everything showed during my turn. I included this as the second attachment.

I played another opponent and they won by buying the last province, the log shows all cards played and clearly displays that enough money was available to purchase it. I included it as the last attachment.

I feel this might be someone cheating, as the turn before when there was only 1 province and I could not afford it, it was fine but the next turn when I would have ended the game this happened. If someone has something I do not know, please tell me.

Title: Re: Player buys province without enough money
Post by: masicham on 25 July 2017, 10:19:57 AM
The pictures in the original post don't show everything so I reposted them
Title: Re: Player buys province without enough money
Post by: markus on 25 July 2017, 10:23:42 AM
I loaded your first game as your opponent on the last turn and he did have 2 golds in hand to afford the province. Sometimes the log is cut off at the end of the game.

don't understand, why it shows you that the province got bought. Maybe the reason is that showing the animations for all the treasures being played on your side took longer than your opponent buying the province.

I also don't understand, why you don't see the cards that your opponent drew at the end of turn 17 for example. Usually, after the game this information is revealed and you could have seen that the opponent had enough money. Maybe that's a related bug.
Title: Re: Player buys province without enough money
Post by: masicham on 25 July 2017, 10:29:14 AM
Thanks for the quick reply. Since there were 4 cards left in his hand I figured there was a decent chance of having 5 or more money.

Has this bug only been shown to exist at the end of the game then?
Title: Re: Player buys province without enough money
Post by: markus on 25 July 2017, 10:40:36 AM
As far as I know, it only occurs when switching to the end-of-game screen. (A separate issue that has been discussed is that spending coin tokens can be missed as it doesn't show up on the log but you have to notice the reduction of your opponent's available coin tokens.)

Actual cheaters would probably have to hack the game server, as your client only displays the game's state and sends commands to the server.
Title: Re: Player buys province without enough money
Post by: AdamH on 25 July 2017, 12:43:01 PM
I've seen this as well where the game log incorrectly displays treasures that were played on the last turn of the game. On your opponent's game log it probably showed up fine but for you it doesn't show everything.

Having the game log display all pieces of information available in an accurate way is extremely important, especially because the game log is currently being used as a crutch, since this information is not displayed in any other way.