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Messages - Calamitas

Card Bugs / Overlord images getting replaced
11 February 2017, 12:16:23 AM
Joining game #1142659 on tokyo.

At some point in the game, all overlord images in my deck (hand and playing area) were getting replaced by the images of the cards I last played them as. Overlords were also cumulated with normal versions of the cards in my hand. I was still able to choose the card I want to imitate (I didn't test that though).

I have added a screenshot that shows the issue as attachment, sorry for the bad quality.
Other Bugs / Automatching while spectating
05 January 2017, 02:33:47 AM
Joining game #80117 on frankfurt, used Chrome on a Linux Mint 18 PC.

I started automatching and went on to spectate another game in the meantime. I was matched and the whole game was quite buggy. Turns ended without my interaction, the chat was mixed up and the log was going crazy.
(In turn 2 I apparently played a Hero to gain a gold :D). The problems continued in a further game after restarting up until the game I was spectating ended. That marked the end of that game though, I reappeared at the table I was spectating at.
Probably doesn't need addressing right away since it is a scenario that is rare to occur but it is good to know anyways I think :)