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Messages - Highwayman27

Feature Requests / Re: Friends-only tables?
09 May 2020, 11:25:02 PM
Quote from: Ingix on 13 April 2020, 10:02:42 AM
Thanks for your commentary and the insight into what you do and why.

But if you just want to play with random strangers at a given point in time, why don't you use the automatch function that has been provided just for that purpose?
Good question, initially the answer was because I didn't know what the automatch function was. I've now done a bit with the autoplay function but I seem to have better games from finding a table, not sure why that is. I also find sometimes when I go through tables people have sets of cards that they've put together that play well together rather than the crapshoot that is random kingdoms. The other issue with autoplay is it only allows for 2 or 3 player games and I like to be able to play with a higher player count.
Feature Requests / Re: Friends-only tables?
13 April 2020, 12:06:50 AM
I'm glad to see this is already a suggestion, but I wanted to explain why this is almost a necessary feature from the other side of the problem since I haven't seen it here.  I have a few friends that have accounts on here, but I mostly use this site to play with random people because I think that's more fun than playing with bots, and I'm sure others do the same.  I think it's great to use the site to play with friends, how else are you going to play with people you don't live near?  Or right now it's great for playing with friends while social distancing.  I don't want to get in the way of that.  However, with no indicator that a table is being set up for a specific group I just have to keep jumping into tables and asking if they're open, getting kicked out (sometimes with rather rude commentary), rinse, and repeat.  I've spent an hour just trying to find a table that's not waiting for friends.  I don't think the feature needs to actually prevent random people from joining, there just needs to be a spot in the table list that indicates whether a table is "private" or "open."  I don't think anyone is trying to bother you when you're setting up a table for you and your friends, we just can't tell whether we'll be welcome until we try to join, so if we want to get a game in we have to try to join.