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Messages - Ingix

Support / Re: Please delete my account
Today at 05:23:47 PM
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Today at 05:22:09 PM
Support / Re: Account deletion
30 May 2024, 04:11:41 PM
Support / Re: Please delete my account
26 May 2024, 12:54:11 PM
Support / Re: Please delete my account
22 May 2024, 06:28:27 PM
Support / Re: LAG
19 May 2024, 09:35:50 AM
There are 4 game servers at the moment, Oregon, Ohio, Frankfurt an Tokyo, located at the inidcated points in the world. I get lag sometimes with Tokoyo (being located in Germany). Can you check if the lag happens predominently with one kind of game servers?
Support / Re: can't create table - no button
16 May 2024, 06:16:10 PM
You successfully created a table, it currently has just you sitting on it and empty spot. That feature is mainly used for playing with friends or somebody else you can communicate with. If they declare you as their friend, they can see your table with your name in the friends pane in the automatch screen, an there is a join buttom for them to take the empy spot. Then when both player click "Ready", the game starts!

You can see this on the right sight here:

If you want to play with random players, you need to click the "Start search" button on the left side here, possibly after adjusting your options there.
That's a strange but correct interaction.

Haggler compares the current cost of the card you bought (and from which Haggler triggered) with the current cost of the card you want to gain. So in your examples, Haggler uses the current (that is reduced compared to what you paid) cost of Destrier.

For the first case, that means you can never gain a Destrier with Haggler from buiying a Destrier, and in the second case, the Destrier was now costing $4 and so Port is not available to gain.
Not yet, sorry.
You should have gotten your emails now. There was a problem with the sending, thanks for reaching out. If the emails aren't there, please look at your SPAM folder. Sending all the unsent emails now in one batch instead of over the last (at least) 20h may trigger the SPAM warnings.
Your email is set up correctly and it looks like yesterday 2 emails were sent to you. I'll contact the developer and let him check the email sending system.

Support / Re: Delete Domion & Forum Account
05 May 2024, 09:37:28 AM
Thanks for the quick reply and your account and your forum account here with the associated data have been deleted.
Support / Re: Delete Domion & Forum Account
04 May 2024, 10:34:16 PM
Since the email address used by you for the forum account and the email address used by SharkyTheShark in the game are very different, I sent you a private message with a request. Please respond to that so that deletion can proceed.
Yes, the fix was to return to the previous version. Now that a class of problems has become apparent, fixes will be developed and tested, then the updated "new" version (1.8) will be deployed again in the (hopefully) not so distant future.