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Topics - Bosco

Hello everyone,
I don't know if this request has been asked before.

In the boardgame rules it is written that:

you can look at the discarded pile and count the number of cards wherever they are.

It would be very useful to have those features in the online game, because it would give more strategic choices.

One above all: Gardens. You can now for sure if that extra card will be the 30th and give you the extra points you really wanted at the end of the game.

Thank you,
Marco :)
I've just bought the silver upgrade but I found out that in ranked I will have to use all the expansion from silver.

They are too many for me, and for now I would like to keep the basic account.

Is there a way to have the money back and reset the purchase?

I ask that because I did have no clue about this before, so I thought that I could choose which expansion I would play with even in ranked.

Thank you,