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Messages - leafyscreen

Support / Finding a prior game
22 July 2022, 10:37:07 PM
How can you find a game you want to go back and look at?

For example, I just finished a game then logged out, but wanted to go back and look at the result and reload it to see what the last turn looked like. Because I logged out, the game number was number was no longer in the message section.
Support / Suggestion for Tables List
10 June 2022, 03:39:06 PM
Under the old interface it was more straight forward to find an existing game.

With the current interface, it is harder to find a game that is available to try to join. There are too many games listed with the TABLES option.

When you go to the TABLES list, the default is that all the options are selected. I suggest changing the default options to only 2P, 3P, 4P+ and NEW. No one looking to join a game is looking for completed or running games. Keep those buttons for those who may want to look for them, but do not have them be  part of the default options so they have to be turned off.

This will make it easier to find available games as the list will be much shorter.
Support / Re: Creating a Table and Automatch
03 June 2022, 05:12:59 PM
It just seemed that under the old interface, I was able to create games and almost every time someone joined quickly. It even happened when I set up games for friends and before they joined someone else did and I had to kick them.
Support / Creating a Table and Automatch
02 June 2022, 06:26:38 PM
I'm a bit confused on how Creating a Table and Automatch work together. Or do they not work together?

For example, if I create a table and then go to Automatch, will my table be the game played?

Or does automatch just match players based on rating and levels?

If I create a table, is the only way people can join me is by looking at the tables and electing to play my game from there?

I seem to recall under the old interface, I could create a table and other players would join via automatch. If I create a table now, it seems as if I can't ever get other players to join.
Support / Re: Creating Games and Automatch
07 April 2022, 02:25:19 PM
Thanks. I now know it works differently than under the old version. That's what I was missing.
Support / Re: Creating Games and Automatch
07 April 2022, 01:08:44 AM
So how do I set up a game that goes to automatch?
Support / Creating Games and Automatch
06 April 2022, 05:02:32 PM
If I create a game, does it got into the automatch queue?
Support / Re: Not Much Success Getting Games
03 April 2022, 03:02:22 PM
Can you set a minimum pool level when CREATING a game?
Can you set a ranking level when CREATING a game?

I know you can set them when LOOKING for a game.

That is why I was wondering if I was missing something so I can expand the range of potential players.
Support / Not Much Success Getting Games
01 April 2022, 08:51:33 PM
I create a game for 2 or 3 players.
card pool level 10
colonies random
shelters random

I can't seem to get anyone to join.
I have even tried making it a 2 player game.

Ami I missing something?
Is level 10 too high to get other players?
Support / Re: Exiled Border Village
01 April 2022, 02:34:31 PM
Thank you for that clarification. Somehow I missed that in the rulebook even though I looked for something about it several times when we played the table version.

Because I couldn't find it, we followed what the online game did.
Support / Exiled Border Village
01 April 2022, 04:22:11 AM
I Cameled a Border Village. (exiled it).

The next turn I bought a Border Village and retrieved the exiled Border Village.

If I understand the rules right about gaining, when you claim a card from exile, you gain it. I thought I should have been able to get 2 cards for < 6, because I gained 2 Border Villages. (one bought, 1 retrieved from exile). But I was allowed to get only 1. Is that a bug?
Support / Re: Player Rating in Joining Games
28 March 2022, 04:05:39 PM
Thanks for clarifying that.
Support / Player Rating in Joining Games
26 March 2022, 11:28:09 PM
Situation: Automatch
Level: 10
Min Level: 5
My rating: 50
Max Rating: +10 (60)
Min Rating: -10 (40)
Rated or Unrated
2 or 3 players
I got automatched into a 2 person game with a player rated 37.

Why did this happen?
I try to avoid players with ratings less than 40 as many (but not all) are new and play slowly.
Support / Blocked Players
25 March 2022, 02:57:05 PM
If you block a player I assume that means they can't join a game I created nor can I join a game they created.

But what about if someone else creates a multiplayer game.
If I join, is the player I blocked still allowed to join ?
If already joined the game, will I still be allowed to join it?

I've run into this more lately in 2 player and multiplayer games.

Rated game and a player quits just before the game ends turning their last turn over to a bot, thus turning the game into an unrated game.

I have been in the winning position in several of these games.
So what happens with ranking points? Do I not get credit for the win?

I've read where they get penalized but that doesn't do anything for my ranking if I don't get credit for the win.
The only direct thing I can do is blacklist them so I won't be playing against them again.

The only reason I care about ranking is so that I can see how I am doing relative to other players and be able to play in games of higher ranked players so I can learn from playing against them.