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Topics - trazoM


just I small one: If I get an outpostturn, the log says "[Outpost]" at the beginning of the turn, even in the german translation.

Card Bugs / Ambassadored Inn, wrong player gets option
19 February 2017, 11:29:48 AM
Hi, in my game #1355431 on oregon, I ambassadored an Inn to Lord Rattington.
So he gained the Inn and should be able to shuffle cards back to his deck.
Lord Rat looked at the cards, but did not do anything.
However, I got the option to "Done selecting".
I dont know if this is a Lord Rat-related thing, but nevertheless, I should not get that option.
Connection Problems / Not beeing able to login
23 December 2016, 11:53:19 PM
It occured now twice to me, that I could not sign in, because I got an infinite Castle-loading-Screen.
I get the passwordprompt where I fill in the password for the beta, but then I get stuck with the castle.

First time it occured to me with Firefox 50.0.2 on Win 10 Pro x64. I cleared the cache, cookies, tried to refreh several times. After some time it suddenly worked.

Second time, it was on a Ubuntu 16.10 with Firefox and Chromium. We changed to Windows 10 with Firefox and Edge. Didnt work. We deleted cookies, cleared cache and refreshed for like 10 minutes. Than it worked out of nowhere.

Note that both times, this happened on the campus of our university, beeing logged in in the local wifi. Maybe this caused the problems.
I specteted a game of McFly against SirRattington. Suddenly I saw him having two kingscourts, while kingscourt was only in the Black-Market-Deck. Also his hand was a big buggy.
I guess it's a discard-pile-bug.
Mysticspirale and I played a pretty normal game, when somehow mystics interface got stuck.
He could not buy anything while having 13 coins, so we tried to /undo.
Somehow we lost more than one turn, dropped back from turn 2x to turn ~16.
We continued playing and everything was fine till turn 21, when mystics interface got stuck again. He could not do anything and it said "waiting for mysticspirale" for me. So Mysticspirale left and rejoined.
Now he was at turn 16 again, i was still at turn 21.
My view:

His view:

/undo x didnt work for us, and /undo brought the points in the logs for me, but I could not go back in time.
Lalight tried to join to help us. He could enter the lobby, but could not join, beeing stuck with a loading screen.
I logged out and did "kick&resign", which succesfully removed me from game. I joined back as spectator, but could not join the game itself. So Mysticspirale also did "kick&resign".

I hope I got everything right.
AI bugs / AI does not reveal Gold for Legionary
17 December 2016, 01:10:43 AM
The AI does not reveal it's gold but has one in hand.
Turn 15 - Lord Rattington L plays a Legionary.
L plays a Silver and a Gold.
L buys and gains a Province.
L draws 5 cards.

game #2240 on frankfurt-test2.
AI bugs / Torturer and curses
12 December 2016, 10:12:49 PM

the bots just always discarded two cards to torturer, even when the curse pile was empty. Nothing I would do.


I was playing a game against Sir Rattington. In my last buy phase, I emptied a third pile. Now the game somehow crashed: The message said "It's your buy-phase", but I couldnt buy anything. The log showed my last buy-phase, me drawing new cards and then a new turn for me (so Sir Rattington had no turn).
Even after two minutes, the victory-screen did not show up.
So I did a refresh of the page, tried to login and got "Connection could not be established.". Refresh, same thing. Refresh, now I got "Allready logged in" and solved it by kicking myself.

I have Win10 Pro (64 bit) and Firefox 50.0.2 (64 bit if I remember correctly)