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Topics - Panoptikus

Dear new owners of online dominion,

I know that you are part of the online dominion community for several years and really aspired to release a version that would correct the flaws of Goko and Making Fun and satisfy the needs of folks still dreaming about isotropic. I am also a hardcore dominion player myself (several thousands of games at Makung Fun) and I really see the technical improvements you have done.


This implementation continues a worrying trend in online dominion history: releasing a product that is simply not finished. Currently this implementation is in many aspects inferior to the making fun client. I will just poin out two flaws.

1. The internet today is an increasingly mobile internet - desktop usage is becoming a niche. Your interface is clearly not optimized for IOS or android, the sheer fact that the interface makes "right clicking" necessary to get info about cards speaks volumes.
2. the interface looks like an amateur product, reminiscent of the state of the art of the 1990ies. Today, even simple mobile games usually have a good looking interface. There is way too much text - the use of the log should e.g. be an option not a necessity.

My point is: the interface is good for the hardcore users (I personally don't have much problems with it), but full of design flaws that will never attract casual gamers. Clearly your priorities were "technical functionalities' not a the design of a modern game Interface. IMHO the redesign of your interface should be your absolute priority. I really want you guys to succeed but in the current form your product is destined to fail. Do not take the positive comments here and at Dominion Strategy too serious because I fear they do not reflect the opinions and needs of the average (dominion) player but  a limited group of hardcore fans. I showed the interface to people not familiar with online dominion and they turned away in terror...

I know this critique is quite harsh but really inspired by my desire that online dominion should finally be a success story. Your subscription model per se is perfect to to really atrrect the contemporary gamer - it would be great if it would generate enough money to make your business sustainable.