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Messages - Cave-O-Sapien

Feature Requests / Re: Disable Undo for the game
05 October 2017, 01:26:59 AM
Quote from: Heraklit on 04 October 2017, 12:29:57 PM
Without words. There should be an option to disable undo.

not after drawing
Anfrage Rückgängig zu machen abgelehnt.
man I just topdecked that card
Anfrage Rückgängig zu machen abgelehnt.
don't make me blacklist you
Anfrage Rückgängig zu machen abgelehnt.
u can do
not after drawing is a totally nonsensical policy
if drawing has no hidden information
there is no difference between topdecking a card and then drawing it or remodelign sth
it l iteraly makes zero logical sense
it's beneath a dominion player man
sty.silver hat die Verbindung verloren.

I'm trying to follow what happened here.

He topdecked a card, then drew it, then requested an Undo?

And you said "no"?

If this is correct, then I grant this Undo 100% of the time.

BTW, this is a perfect example of why I don't think the "no Undo after new information is revealed" is the "Undo Silver Bullet" a lot of people think it is. I think it would be a nightmare to implement correctly; it would require some subjective decisions on what new information means; and for me it excludes about 50% of the cases where I would grant an Undo request in a ranked game.
Interface Issues / Re: Minty spoils
05 October 2017, 01:17:48 AM
I think the more general solution for a lot of these edge cases is to have a verbose explanation in the log (and maybe log verbosity is eventually a user preference?):

(C fails to gain a Spoils because it is not in the supply)

I'm really not sure where you draw the line on verbose explanations, and it could be a lot of work (multiplied by number of languages), but I like the idea of it better than imposing rules that don't exist onto the interface.
jedireject beats Cave-o-sapien 4-2:


Very enjoyable games, good luck to jedireject in the next round!
One thing that many CCG games do is focus on newer releases by way of "seasons" and tournaments that restrict the card pool to recent blocks. It's obvious why they do this: to make money by incentivizing players to buy the latest sets of cards. But there are other side-effects: it changes the relative power-level of cards and alters the "meta" environment.

I think something similarly interesting could be done with Dominion Online by running mini-leagues or tournaments that focused on 2-3 sets at a time.

For example, we are about to see Nocturne released. It might be fun to have a tournament that emphasized Nocturne by pairing it with 1 or 2 other sets.
Quote from: Ingix on 27 September 2017, 11:47:10 PM
That's a consequence of the log combining similar actions (but is still mighty confusing).

First you drew 5 cards when you called the Guide. That gave you a Copper, an Estate and 3 Tunnels. You then (probably) hit "End Turn", because there is nothing much to do with just 1 potential coin. So you discarded your 5 cards and drew the 5 cards for your next turn.

The log never mentions the discards during Cleanup, so it combined the 5 draws from the Guide and the 5 draws from your Draw phase to the 10 cards you saw. Since it orders those cards in a way only itself understands, you got this hodge podge of cards that seemed to have no relation to reality.

Ah! That makes sense. It's a log coalescence issue.

Why doesn't it mention the discard? Doesn't it normally? Wouldn't that be enough to prevent this?
Feature Requests / Re: Include artist name on cards?
28 September 2017, 06:21:33 PM
Quote from: Stef on 28 September 2017, 10:00:55 AM
Quote from: Cave-O-Sapien on 28 September 2017, 07:05:32 AM
Is there any reason the artists' names aren't on the cards? I sometimes find myself wondering who did a certain card and am surprised it's not there.

This was certainly planned, then everything else somehow got a higher priority. But thanks for reminding me... we should certainly have that.

Sounds great!
Feature Requests / Include artist name on cards?
28 September 2017, 07:05:32 AM
Is there any reason the artists' names aren't on the cards? I sometimes find myself wondering who did a certain card and am surprised it's not there.
Game ID: 7232609

On my second to last turn:

Turn 17 - Cave-o-sapien
C starts their turn.
C calls a Guide.
C discards a Copper, 2 Tunnels and 2 Royal Carriages.
C reacts with a Tunnel.
C reveals a Tunnel.
C gains a Gold.
C reacts with a Tunnel.
C reveals a Tunnel.
C gains a Gold.
C draws a Curse, a Copper, a Gold, an Estate, 2 Bazaars, 3 Tunnels and an Engineer.

I only drew 5 cards (which is correct):
2 Bazaars

Kudos to Sicomatic for noticing this! 

The larger issue to me -- with this and many, many other interface issues -- is CONSISTENCY.

In this case, either provide this "Pretend to think" option for all relevant cases or none of them. Having it for one of them feels very odd.

Once consistency is achieved, the next step is providing user preferences.
I'm glad it's not just me that was wondering about this. I've changed my profile settings to always save sent messages.
Is there any way to delete this message?

The "Inbox" link also seems inactive.
Quote from: drsteelhammer on 17 September 2017, 05:17:33 PM
Looks like it happened sooner than expected!

Interface Issues / Re: Rogue Rant
18 September 2017, 06:53:33 PM
Just to clarify, the main complaint here is that the game sometimes refers to the player in the third-person in a way that can be confusing or at least counter-intuitive.

Interface Issues / Re: Rogue Rant
16 September 2017, 06:39:43 AM
This is slightly misleading with Scrying Pool as well.
Is there re-seeding between rounds?