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Topics - NimChimpsky

Support / Ambassador
14 January 2017, 08:38:33 PM
When one plays Ambassador, the player chooses by clicking the card of which he wishes to discard up to two copies. However, there is no undo option for this initial selection, which means if you accidentally click, say, a Province, you're going to be forced to discard that Province. An undo option would be helpful.
Support / Torturer
14 January 2017, 08:35:14 PM
When played, Torturer offers the opponent two choices: discard 2 cards, or take a curse. The official rules for the card specify that, even when the curse pile is empty, the opponent may choose to take a curse, and take nothing. They are not forced to discard. There is either a problem with what options are being allowed here in that circumstance, or there is a serious AI problem, because when I have chained torturers together, and the curse pile is empty, the bot opponent invariably discards all of the cards. This has made for some amazing blow-out games, but it's not how torturer is actually supposed to work. Or else the bots are just dumb?
Support / Platinums
04 January 2017, 04:57:27 AM
I see option to make colonies/shelters random. What about platinums?
General Discussion / Inheritance/Stash?
31 December 2016, 09:53:31 PM
Not available because mechanics to be worked out or what?