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Messages - JunkDealer

How to Play / Re: Tables
11 January 2017, 12:43:28 AM
Quote from: Polliwop on 10 January 2017, 10:33:15 PM
(but not 1v1 so matching isn't an option).

Polliwop:  This thread may help:
Quote from: Watno on 06 January 2017, 12:10:57 PM
We have found a workaround that might help you until this is fixed:
1) Start a bot match, resign from that.
2) Go to Options and tab and toggle "Move kingdom and play area".
3) Start a bot match and resign from that.
4) Go to options and toggle the setting again.

This made cards in reveal areas show up in the proper size in all of our test cases so far, so hopefully it will help you as well.

(A proper fix is still coming obviously)

This workaround didn't work for me.  Any other suggestions?
General Discussion / Re: Pricing and reimbursement
10 January 2017, 01:22:28 AM
Quote from: Kailen on 10 January 2017, 12:22:45 AM
When I purchased the expansions, I PURCHASED the expansions.  I did not purchase a subscription for the expansions. 

This thread is a bit beaten, but I'll add my voice to it in hopes that maybe another perspective will help.  The reality is that you didn't buy "Dominion" from ShuffleIt, RioGrande, or Donald X.  You bought it from either Goko or MakingFun.  I did too.  As a parallel, I also bought a copy of Ticket To Ride when they released it as a CD a lonnnnng time ago.  It did not give me the rights to TTR when the same company released it on Steam, or iOS, or Android.  In fact I liked that game so much I bought it on all 3 of those platforms as well (usually waiting for a sale).  Software doesn't last forever and you can't expect a company to assume the liabilities of a previous company's customers.  It isn't how it works.  Another parallel would be I bought Day of the Tentacle back when it first came out.  It didn't give me the rights to the digitally remastered version that came out a few years ago, but I liked the game enough to buy that version of it too.

I personally think it was a mistake for Donald X. and RGG to dump MF and switch to an unknown group when from this users perspective it was working well and met my needs.  But they did it, it was within their rights to do it, and nothing anyone will say will undo it.  The problem with any online based game is that servers are not maintained forever.  There have been numerous examples of online games that have ceased to be.  Despite this being the same "game" (being Dominion).  It isn't the same program at all.  The code isn't the same, the layout isn't the same, the owners aren't the same, and most importantly the online servers are not the same.

As much as you feel like you bought the product forever, you didn't.  You bought access to an online game that lived on Goko's servers which was then sold in a fire sale to Making Fun who maintained it.  At the end of their contract those servers were shut down and your product essentially became useless since no offline version was ever delivered.  If they had delivered an offline version you would still have it and it would probably still work (much like some of the old CD games from the 90s I have in my basement).

Fortunately we've been given a free offline version of what we owned (when it becomes available) and in the meantime a subscription to the online product.  I recognize that they didn't have to do either of these things and from what I understand these "throw a dog a bone" benefits are essentially gifts from RGG and Donald X. that came out of their share of any sales and was negotiated into ShuffleIt's contract.

I'm still cheesed by it all and think it was all a mistake.  I still wish the contract negotiations would have enabled MF to continue until an equivalent functionality was available with ShuffleIt, but ultimately those aren't my decisions to make.  Out of all of the companies involved I think this whole fiasco from day one speaks most poorly of RGG and Donald X.  but I don't know any of the backstory and/or contract negotiations that have taken place except what has been revealed on this and the MF forums. 

I guess for those of you who still feel you're owed something try and put yourself in the other shoes and think about what it means from their end. 


Quote from: Kailen on 10 January 2017, 12:22:45 AM
Just to make it absolutely clear, as long as my PURCHASES are on a time limit here, this site will never see a dime of my money.  Period.

When the offline version is available your purchases made for that will not have a time limit, but will be more in line with other traditional software.  As long as you have a machine that can run it you'll be able to run it.  I personally dislike subscriptions and try to avoid them whenever possible.  That's my personal choice.

I'm not sure if I've succeeded in my goal of providing an alternative view to this.  I'm typically the person who can see both sides of an argument.  Either way the decisions have been made and we all will live with them or walk away from this software as is our consumer choice.
Quote from: Donald X. on 09 January 2017, 06:27:30 PM
Quote from: JunkDealer on 09 January 2017, 05:49:32 PM
This might be too busy if not done properly.
I think they would be way too busy. I like the very simple basic X, and would keep other symbols in that vein.

I wouldn't have a "to anywhere in deck" symbol; a checkmark could cover all random stuff like that. The main important thing to distinguish is trash vs. discard.

If the above can't be reworked to be less busy I'd personally just go for an X and Check format then with X being trashing and Check being selecting of any sort.  I know I'd have to think about what the Up and Down Arrows mean each time I hadn't played in a while (even though they might be self evident based on text provided).  I rarely read the text (unless I'm forced to) and rely on the icons/colors/sounds to make most decisions which brings me back to my initial post :P
General Discussion / Re: Sound?
09 January 2017, 08:12:24 PM
It's been mentioned in numerous other threads, but has not had a thread of it's own (At least that I could find in the search) up until now :)

Thanks for posting it.  I too miss the shuffling and Province/Colony Gold/Platinum sounds.  Although ideally the different levels should have different sounds and perhaps less concussive and speaker blowing :P

I don't think there should be an overabundance of sounds, but a few well chosen and placed ones would be welcomed by me.
Feature Requests / Re: Adam's thoughts
09 January 2017, 06:01:30 PM
Adding my voice to checkboxes.  The first time I encountered this I had to read each box several times to make sure I was picking the one I wanted.  This is especially true when each button contains three different items.  Checkboxes while more clicking is faster for me.

On an added note, but slightly different.  I've played a lot of dominion, yet I still couldn't tell you all the different card types any particular card has.  Consequently, I keep having to right click to look at each card to determine which card is the best to reveal with the Courtier.  If you want to minimize clicking in that case the card types should be visible straight from the main play area. If there isn't room perhaps icons for each type?  Although iconography can quickly become problematic too.  For every solution there's another 5 problems :P
Quote from: Donald X. on 09 January 2017, 03:45:50 PM
I agree on this different issue though. I think a big symbol over the card is great. For trashing, X is fine. For discarding, a down arrow? For top-decking, an up arrow? A checkmark for miscellaneous.

Some games there are a mix of these effects, e.g. opponents are playing both Bishop and Militia. Having different symbols would be great.

I'd be concerned that for infrequent players the up arrow/down arrow could be just as confusing.  How about:
   Topdeck: an arching arrow pointing to the top of a draw pile
   Place Anywhere: an arrow pointing into a draw pile
   Discard: an arching arrow pointing to the top of a discard pile
   Trash:  Place a small version of the Trash card diagonally across the card

For the first three you may want to show both a draw pile (with the Dominion back) and a discard pile (perhaps a blank card) to make it clear which deck you are referring to.

This might be too busy if not done properly.  If I were any kind of graphic artist I'd take a stab at what these might look like myself, but alas my artistic skills are the equivalent of bad stick figures.

Okay well despite that I've gone ahead and done some quick cut/paste work and here's a really rough idea of what I'm suggesting....  This might end up being too busy though.  If the card itself gets grayed out at the same time it might work.

Feature Requests / Re: Bigger Victory Point Counter
09 January 2017, 04:57:46 PM
I'll add my voice to this one, but I'll also point out that however sizes are being determined is problematic on multiple items.  When I play on my 19" Monitor at 1440 x 900 vs my 36" TV at 1920x1080 the proportional sizes change.  The relative size of the VP counter on the 19" monitor is larger than the proportional size on the 36" TV.  I suspect this has to do with the different aspect ratios, but have not played with them to check this.  My point is that sizes seem to work better for some resolutions compared to others.  If I get some time to play with resolutions and try different ones I'll report back on this thread.

Hope this helps.
Quote from: tufftaeh on 07 January 2017, 08:45:43 PM
Borders...? Oh, right, there are colored borders! I hadn't noticed because I have single trash/discard confirmation on, so I always have the chance to see a big cross before something bad happens...

Personally I dislike the x for everything.  A big x for trashing I understand, but an x to choose a card from the discard pile to put in your hand or an x to choose a card to top deck feels just wrong.  X implies something bad  or destructive (at least culturally for me it does).  In cases where I'm doing something positive or constructive it would be more appropriate (in my culture at least) for it to be a check mark... but that's a different issue....

Anyhow the reason I like the borders is that sometimes I play a card and forget that I have to trash as part of resolving that card.  Seeing a red border reminds me that the card I click on will be trashed and not played.  I've misclicked and accidentally trashed far too many good cards when playing quickly.  The problem I have right now is the border is so thin It's not serving the purpose it's there for (at least for me).  This is why I made the poll to see if it's just me still misclicking or if other people are also missing that visual cue.
The root url of ShuffleIt still shows only "Coming Soon".  You may want to rethink that.
General Discussion / Re: Re: Releases
06 January 2017, 10:14:05 PM
Quote from: kieranmillar on 06 January 2017, 09:52:24 PM
It would be cool if clicking the version number on the main menu bought up a changelog. Seems like a good place to put it.

(I am also interested in the changes for each version)

+1 this... Great idea!
I'll add my voice to this request.  Also that the behavior changes whether there is one card to upgrade or multiple cards which adds confusion.

With one card you click on which one you want and it does it right away.
With multiple cards if you click on the already selected item and it's the one you want it deselects it and chooses the other option.  You then have to click Execute to have it perform the selected options.

I think consistency is the best to prevent errors and both approaches should have the same behavior.  I wonder if the pre-selection of the Exchange option is what's causing the confusion.  If both the single and multi-card behavior have the default option selected and require the Execute they'll both take the same actions and may help. Although I do agree it's difficult to know until you've done it a few times which one is selected/deselected.
Quote from: ffejselur on 06 January 2017, 04:55:08 AM
Quote from: tufftaeh on 05 January 2017, 12:55:56 AM
Making only Empires familiar worked for me on a "New Table" meeting Lord Rat.
(Un)checking sets doesn't seem to have any effect (with or without limitations of familiar cards).
This illustrates ... the importance, efficiency and efficacy of GOOD DOCUMENTATION! ... (For example, how much of your own time would you have saved along with that of users if you would have made 1 loud sticky Announcement about the email delivery problem instead of having to answer a ton of identical "Where's my email?" posts?) Please do something like put a How It Works button next to Store that explains how the site works, for example how users can play with the kingdom and table setup options that they want.

I'll add to that a comment I posted elsewhere.  The problem with forums like this is that for them to be really usable it's a full time job just to keep them manageable.  Posts should be marked closed when resolved, linked/merged/removed when they are essentially duplicate items, etc.  The sheer number of posts makes finding useful conversations a challenge.  Also on my wishlist would be a list of known issues in some kind of usable format.  There are systems out there to track issues including marking when they have been resolved.  Perhaps this is more than most people need/want, but as pointed out above there is an awful lot of repetition in the forums at the moment.

Keep plugging away at it.  It will get better.
General Discussion / Re: Viewing cards
06 January 2017, 05:19:28 PM
Quote from: Philip on 06 January 2017, 09:40:27 AM
Quote from: North Woods Wanderer on 06 January 2017, 08:55:14 AM
...Viewing cards is a VITAL, ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY update for all platforms for this game...
Quote from: Opal on 02 January 2017, 04:15:23 PM it is possible to view what each card does while playing on an iPad?...
You can use long press to view cards on touch devices as of last Wednesday.

The issue I'm having with the long press is that during the purchase phase (when I really need to review the cards) if I remove my finger on my ipad and I'm still hovering over that card it completes the purchase.  I've had to train myself to long press then drag my finger off to the sidelines before letting go.  I would think that after a long press and zooming of the card the purchase selection should be negated so that you don't accidentally purchase something you just wanted to look at.

Hopefully that makes sense.  Appreciate that you folks implemented a fix so quickly for this one, but it still needs a bit of work.
Thanks Watno.  I'll give that a try and report back.