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Messages - dragoonkain

To quote an old commercial: Wii would like to play.
I think I've technically missed this as it's beyond 240 hours after the OP, but worst case scenario you guys have some feedback anyways.

1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots
This is my most requested feature since I loved it in the MF version. I will say the MF version was a bit of a slog however and went on a longtime and some matches the trick they were emphasizing was only very mildly different from a previous kingdom however.
2. A bot with a setting for different play styles
Useful, although I don't think I would experiment with this very much.
3. A strong bot.
I would very much appreciate this, although I'd like to be able to toggle bot difficulties so that it could help me introduce people to the game.
4. Options for timed games
Not as huge a fan of this since win conditions can get really muddled when you introduce a timer.
5. Options for undo settings
Would really appreciate this, I'm more susceptible to misclicks than the average person.
6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends.
I've been kinda inactive because of school, I would love this and especially if the community created small ones very easily that I could join and motivate me to play more frequently. Possible to have some restrictions based on ranking?
7. Option to invite specific players to your table
Yeah, it can get a little awkward when I set a table for a friend and I to play at and randoms find the table and try to join.
8. More translations (to what language?)
None required for me, although I may muck about in the French version to help me practice
9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/...
I really don't care about this, and the emphasis in MF I find was one of its biggest faults
10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...
That would be nice, especially if you didn't have to find a button to make some piles visible and more easily accommodate kingdoms with more piles.
10. Option to hide the log
Uninterested in this feature
11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?) + 12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)
I would be using both of these
13. Downloadable game logs
Uninterested in this
14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)
I find there's a bit of a witch hunt on slower players. Dominion is a thinking game and people will be rude sometimes about me taking my time to think through my plays, but speeding up isn't easy since I have diagnosed slow processing skills and am used to taking one's time in chess. Providing this doesn't target me, I'm for it.
15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion
I wound up teaching many people through Isotropic rather than physically, this would be useful for me to get people introduced.
16. Tutorial on how to play dominion online.
There's a couple weird interactions, like when you place cards on top of your deck which one to place first to place a specific card on top. This may be helpful in that regard.

My account is dragoonkain
I would like to sign up please.
My Dominion username is technically Dragoonkain if that opening capital makes a difference though.