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Messages - dbrauning

1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots

Yes, I would be interested in and use an offline client. My preference would be for the client to be offered on a phone or tablet (specifically, the iPhone and iPad).

2. A bot with a setting for different play styles

Sure. I play several other games that have bots that play with different styles.

3. A strong bot.

I'm not sure what you mean by a strong bot, but I'm assuming you are talking about a bot whose play is optimized to follow the best strategy to win for the given cards. I could handle that. I do dislike bots that appear to cheat or are programmed to be too lucky.

4. Options for timed games

I'm really not interested in timed games. I play informally with several friends and in the previous version of the game I found it irritating when the game timed out because a player wasn't responding. One of my friends as a medical condition and has to occasionally take time out to handle that. Seeing that we also audio chat during the game we know when he has to break, and we just wait for him to finish. It's annoying if the game times out while we are waiting. As long as there is a setting to have an un-timed game having timed games would be OK. I just wouldn't play them.

5. Options for undo settings

The friends that I play with would love to have an undo feature. Part of my friends medical condition is that he is partially blind, so he occasionally makes mistakes when making his turn. If we could undo before the turn is complete that would be great.

6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends.

Maybe. We typically play 3-4 games when we play, so I suppose it might be interesting to setup a mini-tournament and declare a victor for the evening.

7. Option to invite specific players to your table

Yes, I'd like to be able to setup a "private" game where only people in my friends list can join the table. When setting up the initial game for the evening I occasionally get interlopers joining my table that I have to kick. I really hate to kick the people off the table, but the whole point of us getting online to play Dominion is so that the 4 of us can play in the same game.

8. More translations (to what language?)

Not sure that I care what other languages the game is translated to as the game already plays in the language that I speak.

9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/...

I think the animations are OK as is. Maybe an option to turn them off?

10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...

For the most part I think the current visualizations are good. The biggest complaint we have is when an action a player needs to take is displayed in the log. That tends to confuse my friends as they are not as computer literate as they could be.

10. Option to hide the log

Yes, that would probably be nice, but I'll have to admit that I probably wouldn't hide the log as I use it to monitor whose turn it is.

11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)

I'd vote who cares for Android as I'm currently an iPhone user, but my son and his wife are Android users and I know they would play on their phones, so Yes.

12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)

Yes. And if possible configured for the ipad also.

13. Downloadable game logs

I can't think of a situation where I'd want to download the game log, unless I was reporting a bug.

14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)

I can't say that I've had a problem with this, but I only play with my friends so we're not worried about abuse, or slow players.

15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion

I don't think I care about having a tutorial about playing Dominion. Everyone I've played with online has played the physical version of Dominion (with me) so they are all aware of the basic rules.

16. Tutorial on how to play dominion online.

I brief intro to how the online version plays would be nice. For example this evening one of my friends was wondering why there was a number on her deck of cards. She didn't realize it was the number of cards left in her deck. Getting into the game seems to be rather confusing also. I have trouble walking them through joining the game as I'm providing the "table" and can't jump to that part of the interface to walk them through joining, and I always host, so I'm not familiar with joining a game.

Other: I find it really annoying that the game table covers my cards during other players turns. It would be nice if the user interface could be adjusted to not cover my cards.

My user name is Dennis Brauning