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Messages - clownabouttown

Support / No cards available to fill kingdom
01 March 2022, 03:11:43 AM
Ok, what am I doing wrong?  When I try to create a table it gives me the message "No cards available to fill kingdom."

I have a gold/complete subscription that is still active (weirdly my account shows core and complete subs active until December 2023 - I last paid in December 2021 and I was under the impression these subscriptions last just one year).

I believe I set up the table appropriately (see attachment).  What am I missing?

Support / Re: Game reconnecting constantly
25 January 2022, 03:23:29 PM
Well done, thank you!  This solved my problem.
Support / Re: Game reconnecting constantly
25 January 2022, 07:28:10 AM
Same!  Just started this morning and is still happening.  I haven't been able to play at all.